Category Archives: Life Together



Consistory Meeting December 3rd, 7 pm.

Annual Meeting: December 13th following worship we will gather for lunch and meeting. see the signup sheet in the foyer if you would like to help.

Remembrance Tree: Each year during Advent, we place lights on the bushes in front of our church in memory or in honor of people. Names of those remembered are placed on ther “Remembrance Tree” displayed in the sanctuary the following year. This year, donations for each light may be given to a mission or charity of your choice, including the Memorial Fund of the Middleburgh Reformed Church. If you would like to participate, please return the Remembrance Tree Form to Leslie Hooper. A list of people remembered and places where donations were sent will be included in the Christmas Eve bulletin. Some suggestions of organizations or people to donate to include: World Vision gift catalog, missionaries Sandra and Albino Rodriguez, The Ecumenical Food Pantry,  Blood:Water Mission (from the Sunday school summer water project), the Joshua Project (local group addressing  material needs), Samaritans Purse, including a gift catalog, or whatever you can think of.

Camp Fowler- Missing summer already as winter creeps in? Registration for Camp Fowler opens December 15th! The Table has the summer schedule- also find it online: Billy Brown scholarship fund is available for our campers.

Neighbors Eating Together (NET) December Dinners
2nd: Reformed Church
9th: Our Lady of the Valley Church
18th: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
23st: Christmas Eve of the Eve, No Dinner
30th: New Years Eve of Eve, No Dinner.  

Coming in January- Youth Group, Sundays @ 6 to the 9 pm.

Basics Class: Would you like to become a member of the church? Or just learn more about the history and particulars of our church? Join Pastor Jeff for a 6 week class Sunday mornings 9:45-10:45 am. Let Pastor Jeff know if you are interested and the schedule can be arranged to meet availability.

Nursery: has a new format. The helpers will read a story and facilitate an activity. If you would like to help attend the nursery, sign up in the foyer. The story and activity will be set up for you- all you have to do is read and help the kids! Children are encouraged to stay in the service. To help them, there are activity bags in the back. If a small child or infant needs another space, the nursery is available.

Bible Study Thursday: 3:30-4:30 p.m. at Marian Lynes’ house, studying the book of Romans. See Pastor Jeff for a study guide.

An Invitation from Our Neighbors: The Central Bridge Civic Association will host their annual Christmas Party for children on Dec. 12 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Central Bridge United Methodist Church.  There will be crafts, hot chocolate and cookies, and even a visit from Santa!  All are welcome.

A Message from Your Deacons and the Fellowship Committee:  SAVE THE DATE

It doesn’t matter if a call comes during a family holiday celebration, Sunday afternoon football watching, or the middle of the night. When members of the Middleburgh Fire Department and the Middleburgh Emergency Volunteer Ambulance Corps receive an emergency call, they immediately respond to their neighbor’s need.  The deacons and fellowship committee are planning an event to express our gratitude to these two organizations and their families.

Please reserve the evening of Friday, January 22, 2016 to support the MFD/MEVAC Appreciation Dinner and Family Game Night.  Social time and appetizers will begin at 5:30 with the meal beginning at 6:00.  Following dinner, our church family will have an opportunity to become better acquainted with our guests while playing favorite board and card games. Make your reservations now for this church family event.  A sheet for this purpose is available in the foyer. You may support the dinner with a financial contribution, by providing food, or by bringing a favorite game to share.  Most of all, we ask for your attendance!

Operation Christmas Child
Your support of OCC in 2015 led to a great harvest of shoebox gifts in the Greater Capital District Area.  Thank you!  Please continue to pray for those who will prepare the boxes for shipping, transport them, distribute them, and disciple the recipients.  Pray that God’s purposes will be fulfilled in the lives of the children he has already chosen to receive our gifts.

We will soon be receiving beautiful Christmas cards from our loves ones and friends.  Save those with religious or nature scenes to be included in the shoeboxes we will pack next fall!  Thank you!

A gift opens doors; it gives access to the great.  Proverbs 18:16

A Message from the Worship and Fellowship Committees: Jan. 9 @ 9:00 – Breakfast and sanctuary clean-up

Food Pantry Urgent Needs:  canned fruit

Lemon:Aid Sunday School Summer Project

This summer the sunday school  is raising money for clean water for Africa through the  organization blood:water with their Walter Program. We are giving away lemonade to raise awareness and funds for the water. It’s a great way to get the kids working in this way, to connect with the community and to bless our neighbors (in Africa) that we haven’t met (yet).
Check out here to find out some of the stories from Africa.
To donate directly click here.