June News & Annoucements

June 11th Gathering 11 am- 2 pm
Timothy Murphy Park (pavillon)

Join us  for a gathering of worship and fellowship We’ll eat, play and remember God’s goodness to us this past year- including marking the end of the Sunday School year and giving thanks for the Ridder Team.

(there will be no Christian Education nor worship at our building)


June 18th- Baccalaureate Service (a service to give thanks to God and blessing for graduating seniors from MCS) at the Middleburgh Methodist Church, 7 pm.  The churches are providing napkin desserts for after the service. If you would like to help out, indicate such and deliver to church by Sunday at 4 pm or to the Methodist church by 6 pm.

Tiger  Tales Activity Summer Day Camp @ SUNY Cobleskill: Deveral Watson has space to take a few kids over to the program, which is July 24-28. Find out more about the program here: http://www.cobleskill.edu/community/summercamp/

To arrange rides with Deveral, contact her at: 827-4312

Community Day Camp in Schoharie- forms went home with MCS students, and perhaps other districts. If you are planning on going and have space to provide rides- sign up in the foyer so we can begin to connect others who need rides.

Billy Brown Camp Fund is available to send kids to a summer camp. To apply, forms are available on the foyer table and online at our website.

Need fire wood? The silver maple that is down on the edge of the parking lot is half rotten is available to anyone who would like to take any or all of it away.

Prayer Walking in Middleburgh

Who:  People who are seeking to join God in mission in Middleburgh
What:  A group of friends who walk together and pray for the people who reside in the community.
Where:  Middleburgh
When:  Our first walk was on April 21.
Dates and times for subsequent walks are determined by the group.
Walking dates and times will be announced during Sunday morning announcements.
Why:  To stir our hearts to see people, places, and needs through God’s eyes and to seek insight into God’s kingdom plans and purposes for our community
How:  With the help of the Holy Spirit

Operation Christmas Child
Our OCC goal for 2017 is to pack 300 shoeboxes!  Through the month of June we are collecting hygiene items.  A box is located in the foyer for your contribution of toothbrushes, soap, washcloths, and combs.  THANK YOU!  Other gifts that will be needed for our packing party include pencils, pencil sharpeners, crayons, and small stuffed animals.  Look for bargains while you are shopping!  Mary Lou will be happy to store the gifts you purchase.  ReminderDue to customs regulations we may no longer include toothpaste in our shoeboxes.  

Please continue to support the work of OCC through prayer.

  • for children, their families, and communities to be transformed by the love of Jesus
  • for the safety and health of those who distribute shoeboxes and disciple children
  • for shoebox packers –  that they will grow as disciples through their service to children in need

Spring Cleaning? Please save items to donate to the MRC Trash and Treasure sale on Saturday, August 19. Clothing, computers and TV’s cannot be donated.  Because our building is used by several groups and us, please do not bring your donations to church until August 10.  More details to follow.

Cabinets? The Property Committee would like to talk about installing cabinets or storage in classroom #1. If you are interested in being a part of exploring options, contact Leslie Hooper.

Bible Study Thursday: 3:30-4:30 p.m. at Marian Lynes’ house

Consistory Meeting: June 29th, 7 pm.


As the body of Christ the mission of Middleburgh Reformed Church is to demonstrate the transformative message of Jesus. 

Our vision is to grow as disciples through prayer, worship education and service.

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