Ridder Team Sharing- Discovery of Discipleship. April 1st, 6:30-7:30pm. The Ridder Team is sharing about discipleship, what it looks like and how we engage with it.
The MRC Property Committee invites everyone in our church family to join us for spring clean-up of our church property. If you like group participation, please come on Saturday, April 9 and/or April 16 from 9 AM to noon. Individuals may stop in anytime to do things on the spring
clean-up list.
- * Prepare lawn areas for the mowing season
- * Tidy up gardens and the apron around the buildings
- * Wash windows in the foyer and fellowship hall
- * Organize and sanitize the nursery
- * Other non-routine cleaning as needed
** Special yard work to clean up tree on the front lawn. Brush can be piled in the cone area by the dumpster.
******* Many hands make light work. **********
Thank you to all who helped clean up the tree in the front yard.
April Neighbors Eating Together (NET Dinners)
6th: Reformed Church
13: Our Lady of the Valley
20: Middleburgh Untied Methodist Church
27: Pot Luck at MRC
Bible Study Thursday: 3:30-4:30 p.m. at Marian Lynes’ house, will resume April 14th.
Elders Meeting April 7th, 7 pm.
Consistory Meeting, April 14th, 7 pm.
Sunday Morning Youth grades 7-12, are you interested in meeting 9:30-10:45 a.m.?Sundays: April 10, 17, May 1, 8, 15, 22 for food, conversation, & prayer. Let pastor Jeff know-
Camp Fowler- Registration for Camp Fowler is open! the Table has the summer schedule- or find it online: www.campfowler.org.
Billy Brown Scholarship Fund is available for campers going to any Christian camp they choose. Application forms are on the table in the foyer. submissions are due May 29th.
Food Pantry
Opportunities await for those who are feeling called to serve their neighbors who are in need of food. See Russ Ryan to indicate your interest in being a full-time or substitute food pantry volunteer. Hours of operation are: Wednesday4:00-6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Your donations of non-perishable food are always appreciated. Especially needed at this time are canned or dried fruits.
Operation Christmas Child We recently received notification that some of our 2015 shoeboxes are being distributed in Colombia. Several weeks ago, we had learned that the destination of others of our gifts was Ghana. We serve a generous God who has blessed us so much that we have been able to bless children on two continents through Operation Christmas Child! Thank you for supporting this outreach with your resources and your prayers.
Gifts are already being purchased, sorted, counted, and stored for our 2016 packing party. The suggested gift to purchase in April is soap. Also needed for our packing party will be washcloths, toothpaste (expiration date no earlier than August 2017), pencils, crayons, and small stuffed animals.
Weekly Update & Prayer List: The weekly news bulletin includes news and new prayer requests. To sign up go to our website (www.middleburghreformed.org) and on the front page is a form to add your email. Don’t worry If you don’t do email, the Sunday bulletin and monthly News & Announcement sheets contains the same information. Though there are sometimes extra goodies included.
Directory- Copies of the directory are on the table in the foyer. If you have any updates or would like to be added, let Pastor Jeff know.
Nursery helpers needed- If you would like to help attend the nursery, sign up in the foyer. The story and activity will be set up for you- all you have to do is read and help the kids!
Help Clean the Sanctuary– there are plenty of months available to clean the sanctuary. List of tasks are inside the sanctuary closet door. Sign up in the foyer.