Summer Coffee Hour: through August coffee and juice will be served in the foyer before and after worship.
Mission-Planning Team
Mission TripAugust 21st– 25thto Barnet, Vermont.
We will be staying at the Green Mountain Retreat Center (about a 4 hour drive) and helping in different areas, for all abilities. $25/ per person includes room and food, registration due July 21st.All ages welcome. Contact Tracie Anteman with questions.
Trash & Treasure Sale: August 17th
Spring cleaning? Time to De-clutter? Please remember to save items for our church Trash & Treasure sale on August 17. Please do not bring your items to church until August. Sorry: no clothing, TV’s, Computers, and the like. Questions? contact Leslie Hooper
PrayerBoard: Connect with others this Summer on the prayer board posted in the foyer. You are invited to share prayer requests, bulletins from churches you may visit when you are away, and then check out how you can pray for others.
Summer Band Ice Cream Social, Our turn: July 26th
A longstanding summer tradition in Middleburgh is the Friday evening summer band concert with ice cream social. Our turn to host the ice cream social is July 26.
There will be many ways for you to participate:
- transporting tables to the high school lawn
- setting up, serving
- cleaning up
- and of course providing delectable homemade baked goods!
Stay tuned for more details as the date approaches.
Operation Christmas Child
You may recall that some of the shoeboxes we packed last fall were destined for distribution in Ukraine. They have arrived! Children in that country once clouded by the darkness of communism have been blessed by our gifts and by hearing about Jesus! We are privileged to be a part of training up a new generation of believers. Please continue to pray for the children and those who will disciple them.
Our students are enjoying their first days of summer vacation and may not want to think about back-to-school shopping right now. However, school supplies will soon be on sale in the stores! When we provide a few basic supplies in our shoeboxes, it sometimes means that the children who receive them may be allowed to attend classes!! Please use the sheets in the foyer to make a pledge to provide school supplies for children in need.
Since our first Harvest Bazaar ended, we have been making plans for the second. Please mark your calendar for Sept. 21 and plan to spend the day with your church family to raise funds to ship our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to children around the world. There will be a planning meeting on July 9 at 7 p.m. in the church library for the bazaar. The Harvest Bazaar crafters will meet again on July 15 at 6 p.m. in the same location. Newcomers are always welcome!
Summer Sundays
Adult Christian Educationwill continue through the summer, which is exploring the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. 10 a.m.
July 21st: Bodes visit.Come here missionaries Josh and Erica Bode and family are finding Oman, their work there and how we can support them.
July 28th:Community Worship on the Lawn, 11 a.m. High School lawn. We’ll worship with the other congregations in town, Kim and Reggie Harris are leading the music. Bring a lawn chair your comfort. (we will not be meeting at our building)