Fall property work days- Saturdays, 10/20 & 11/3, 9 am – 12 pm. Join us when you can to help out doing some light maintenance work and cleaning.
Ham Supper Planning:It’s on! but we need your help. Keith Wynia has taken the lead on organizing things and there are regular chair meetings to coordinate and share the work. But whether you are in your 39thsupper or the first- ask what you can do.
Christian Education
Youth Educationseason has begun with grades PreK-9thgrade. NEW time! 10 am -10:45 am. All are welcome!
Teachers are for grades:
PreK-1: Sarah Bramer
2-3: Lara Kelley
4-5: Maria Funiciello
6-9th: Jonathan Meredith
Adult Class: Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. beginning a conversation about Spiritual Practices.
Nursery – we could use some help caring for our little ones during worship. There are a some open Sundays, so see the calendar in the foyer for availability. Join us if you like kids and having fun!
Godspeed: the Pace of Being Known: Join us for a video-based discussion on topics like place, presence, pace, identity, stability, names and mission. Wednesday at the Kelley’s house, 7-8:30 pm beginning September 26th for 7 weeks
Improved Coffee Hour Setup: we’ve replaced our commercial brewer to make hosting coffee hour easier and more productive! Instructions on how to use the brewer are posted next to the brewer. Pastor Jeff is also happy to give you a personal tutorial.
We want your mug! &If you have ceramic mugs that are cluttering your cabinet, we could use them for coffee hour. Using mugs will reduce cost, reduce waste and make drinking a hot beverage more enjoyable.
Operation Christmas Child
Thank you for supporting our Harvest Bazaar! We were able to raise $1,058 toward our donation of $2,718 to accompany the 302 shoeboxes we will pack on October 28 at our packing party. Our monetary donation will do more than ship our gifts to their countries of destination. It will be used to provide each child with The Greatest Gift, a colorful booklet about Jesus printed in the child’s own language. It will also be used to provide teaching materials and training for those who will lead the shoebox distributions.
In addition to the money raised at the bazaar, the Benevolence Fund contributes $900 toward our donation for shipping and discipleship materials and training. We have also received a gift of $150 in memory of Araxi Dutton Palmer. That leaves $610 for us to raise. You may pledge toward reaching that goal by using the pledge sheet in the foyer. Pledges will be due by Nov. 11.
THANK YOU to everyone who has generously purchased gifts for our packing party. Please deliver any remaining gifts to church or my home by Oct. 7.
You may recall that as our packing party has grown, so has the preparation! A shoebox assembly party will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday Oct. 25. Families may come and go to accommodate their family’s mealtimes and bedtimes. Dessert will be served! On Friday Oct. 26 beginning at 9:00 a.m., we will pre-pack school supplies and hygiene items.
We hope our entire church family will be available to participate in our packing party on Oct. 28. Plan to stay after worship for a delicious lunch followed by shoebox packing. If you would like, a sign-up sheet is in the foyer to indicate what you may contribute toward the meal.
Your greatest contribution toward Operation Christmas Child is prayer. Please pray for all who will be involved in collecting and processing this year’s harvest of shoeboxes. Lift up Allison as she tackles her new role as drop-off site team leader. As we work here, church leaders and volunteers in other countries are planning for the distribution of our gifts. May they be guided by the Holy Spirit as they decide where to deliver the shoeboxes and the Good News, and may the children who will receive those gifts have their hearts softened to receive that message!
Serving together!
Mary Lou
Consistory Meeting: Thursday, 10/11