Category Archives: Life Together

January News

Mission-Learning Trip: we are exploring the possibility of a mission-learning trip together. If this is something you are even a little curious about, please join us for a conversation. We’ll  assess the interest, possible times, and locations. Everything is on the table: from local to international, from expensive to no expense, any ages and abilities. Have interest? Join us January 14th, about 12:30-1:00 pm in classroom #1.


Book Conversation group–  join us in reading A Long Obedience in the Same Direction; Discipleship in an Instant Society by Eugene Peterson. We’ll get together 8 times at the Spencer’s house to talk about a chapter, beginning January 16th, 7 pm.

There are 17 chapters but we’ll be reading select chapters over the 8 weeks. We’ll discuss the first chapter about discipleship at the first gathering and plan the chapters from there. A schedule will be posted. Do you need a book? The church can provide one, just let Pastor Jeff know. Find it wherever fine books are sold, including used book shops and Amazon.

Blurb about the book: As a society, we are no less obsessed with the immediate than when Eugene Peterson first wrote this Christian classic. If anything, email and the Internet may have intensified our quest for the quick fix. But Peterson’s time-tested prescription for discipleship remains the same–a long obedience in the same direction. Tucked away in the Hebrew Psalter, Peterson discovered “an old dog-eared songbook,” the Songs of Ascents that were sung by pilgrims on their way up to worship in Jerusalem. In these songs (Psalms 120-134) Peterson finds encouragement for modern pilgrims as we learn to grow in worship, service, joy, work, happiness, humility, community and blessing. This 20th anniversary edition of A Long Obedience in the Same Direction features these Psalms in Peterson’s widely acclaimed paraphrase, The Message. He also includes an epilogue in which he reflects on the themes of this book and his ministry during the twenty years since its original publication.

Sunday Worship

1/7, First Sunday after Epiphany, Mathew 2:13-15; 19-23, a Child for Us celebrating the Lord’s Supper, installation of Elders and Deacon
1/14: No Christian Education, Worship, 1 John 1:1-4; Life Manifested
1/21: 1 John 1:5-10; Life in the Light
1/28: 1 John 2:1-6; Life in Focus

2018 Giving Envelopes are available in the foyer. If you don’t find your name, let us know and we can assign your a number. The envelopes are helpful for tax recording and reporting purposes.

December News & Announcements

ReFrame Course: Join us to learn how the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ changes our story- indeed, all stories. So, how does our whole life relate to our faith? Explore with us how God’s Story reframes our story. Wednesdays, 12:30-2 pm Schedule posted episode schedule in the Fellowship hallway. Missed some? you can catch up! see Pastor Jeff.

Greening of the Sanctuary– Come help decorate the sanctuary for Advent, Saturday, December 2nd, 1 pm.

Congregational Meeting: 12/3. Join us after worship for our annual congregational lunch and meeting. Hear year-end reports on our life together, election of Elders and Deacons, as well as talking about plans for the future. Meeting packets are available.
There is a signup sheet to help with lunch on the table in the foyer.

Middleburgh Miracle on Main Street, We would like to have a presence as a congregation at the annual festivities in Middleburgh on December 8th. We will setup in Shawn & Kim Smith’s parking lot (chiropractor) serving popcorn and hot chocolate. The event runs from 5:30-8:30 pm. If you would like to help, write your name and time on the paper in the foyer. There will also be invitation cards to our Christmas Eve service for people to take (likely available Dec 3rd). If you could use some cards to invite folks, see pastor jeff know.

Study Group– starting in January we’ll be reading Eugene Peterson’s book, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction; Discipleship in an Instant Society.  Time and place to be determined.

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Consistory: Elders: Susan Pendergast, Kim Smith, Joan Youmans. Deacon: Mary Lou Ryan

If you are in need of prayer or a visit, feel free to an elder or deacon as well as Pastor Jeff. If you, or someone you know, have a material need the Benevolence Fund can help.

Pastor Jeff Kelley:, home: (518) 827-8785, cell phone (518) 860-7404.

Get Connected: Receive the weekly email that includes prayer requests, reminders and odds and ends. Sign up through the website:

Advent Worship
December 3rd: First Sunday of Advent, 11 am Worship celebrating Communion. Mark 7:1-13, What do we seek?: traditions
December 10th: 2nd Sunday of Advent, Mark 7:31-37, What do we seek?: images
December 17th, 3rd Sunday of Advent,  Mark 8:1-21; What do we seek?: bread
December 24, 9:30 am 4th Sunday of Advent (with “embellished coffee hour” to follow, see below). Mark 8:27-33; What do we seek? 

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, 7 pm.  service of readings and carols, Matthew 2:1-12

No Christian Education on 12/24 or 12/31.

Embellished Coffeehour, December 24th after morning worship- If you’d like to contribute, check the signup sheet. Plan to stay a few minutes after worship for low key fellowship with no pressure of white-elephant gifts, holiday sweaters, or hosting.

Get Ready!
Advent is the period of four Sundays before the feast day of Christians. It is a time of preparation and readying ourselves to hear again the significance of the enfleshment of God, God coming among us. Naturally it is a time of examination and to deliberately train ourselves after Christ-likeness.  This could mean times of fasting, taking up times of prayer or generosity. The Season of Christmas begins (not ends!) on the 25th and lasts for 12 days.

Consider pairing your season observances with intentional practices to ready yourself to worship and hear God’s word. God’s example of self-giving love is most evident in the incarnation. It is a model for us. And we become most ourselves when we are least aware of ourselves (not most protective or selfish). Loving God by loving others (and vice versa) is the way he has shown us to become alive ourselves. Advent is a time to pay attention to this. Check out for Scripture reading plans. Or take up a book of the Bible and read it through over the course of the month- like 1 John or Isaiah. Read a Psalm a day and read through it slowly. Be intentional about being grateful. And not least- look for ways to bless others, seek their good, pray for them, and ask God what He is doing in their life and how you can participate.

Families with children could consider pairing an advent calendar with Scripture reading and prayers. A guide has been copied for help in this, available in the foyer taken from Teach Us to Pray: Scripture -Centered Family Worship through the Year (2017).

October News & Announcements

ReFrame Course: Join us (again!) for the journey of discovering how Jesus is Lord over all things, and what what is means  for every area of of our life. Learn and watch a teaser at There are 10 episodes. The dates are being decided, so if you are interested let Pastor Jeff know what days are good for you.
First session taking off is Wednesdays, 12:30-2 pm.

Projects! There are several small projects around the church property that need to get done. We need help with small projects around the church property. See Pastor Jeff for list of projects and description. Time and skill required varies- from 2 hours to 10 hours, garden clean to building stuff.

Food Pantry: Needs your help! It is looking for both regular and substitute volunteers. The pantry is staffed with two people on Wednesdays, 4-6 pm & Saturdays, 9-11 am. If you are interested or would like to learn more contact Russ Ryan, 518-827- & .

Elders & Deacons= Consistory. We are in need of Elders and Deacons to serve. Information about these offices can be found on the table in the foyer.

Annual Ham Supper, November 11th. We are beginning to organize for the event. See Susan Pendergast if you would like to help, change your assignment or have any questions.

Operation Christmas Child
Since January we have been collecting gifts for our 2017 OCC packing party.  We are close to having all the gifts needed to reach our goal of filling 300 shoeboxes for children in need.  Check the pledge sheet in the foyer to see what is still needed.  Please deliver gifts purchased for our packing party to the church by October 15.  THANK YOU!

This year we are blessed to be able to use profits from the Trash & Treasure Sale to reduce our cost of shipping 100 of our gift boxes.  Instead of $9 per box, you may sponsor a box for $5.  You will find a pledge sheet in the foyer to indicate that you will sponsor boxes.

Please save these dates and plan to participate in as many activities as your schedule allows.

Oct. 26 , 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.     SHOEBOX ASSEMBLY BEE:  Drop in for as long as you can.    Adults and youth who are good at putting things together are welcome!
Oct. 27, 9:00 a.m. – ?  PRE-PACKING PARTY:  Pack hygiene items and school supplies
Oct. 29, following worship     LUNCH and PACKING PARTY:  Enjoy food and fun for the whole church family!

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September News & Announcements

Youth Education begins! September 10th, 9:30 am-10:45. (schedule available soon)

ReFrame Course: Join us (again!) for the journey of discovering how Jesus is Lord over all things, and what what is means  for every area of of our life. Learn and watch a teaser at There are 10 episodes. We plan on beginning Wednesday, 9/13. Location to be decided.

Projects! There are several small projects around the church property that need to get done. We need help with small projects around the church property. See Pastor Jeff for list of projects and description. Time and skill varies- from 2 hours to 10 hours, garden clean up to measuring and cutting wood.

Food Pantry: Needs your help! It is looking for both regular and substitute volunteers. The pantry is staffed with two people on Wednesdays, 4-6 pm & Saturdays, 9-11 am. If you are interested or would like to learn more contact Russ Ryan

Nursery: We need help in the nursery. If you would like to be added to the rotation to serve the nursery during worship, contact Lara Kelley. ‘mo’ people, less Sundays for each person!’

Elders & Deacons= Consistory. We are in need of Elders and Deacons to serve. Information about these offices can be found on the table in the foyer.

Sunday Evening Worship, Sunday September 17th. Join us for songs and Scripture in the fellowship hall (informal setting).

Directory Update: Let’s update the directory! To add or change information either include it in the ‘To Edit’ directory on the foyer table or email Pastor Jeff:

Operation Christmas Child
In a few weeks, our gift-filled shoeboxes will begin their journey to children who will be told of their Heavenly Father’s amazing love and the Greatest Gift of all – Jesus!  Save the date of October 29 for our packing party.  Some gifts are still needed for the event.  Please check out the pledge sheets in the foyer to indicate which gifts you will provide.  All contributions for our packing party should be delivered to the church by October 15.

Here are some more ways in which you may support our 2017 OCC campaign:

  • Pay the cost of shipping boxes and providing the discipleship booklet, The Greatest Gift.  The cost is $9 per box.  However, thanks to funds from the Trash & Treasure Sale your cost will be $5 per box!
  • Provide food for our packing party lunch.
  • Volunteer at the drop-off site during collection week.
  • Provide refreshments for the drop-off site during collection week.
  • Pray for the children who will receive our gifts and for all who will be a part of the shoebox journey.

THANK YOU for all you have already done and will do to send a tangible representation of God’s love to children in other lands around the globe.
A gift opens doors; it gives access to the great.  Proverbs 18:16

Consistory: Elders: Susan Pendergast, Kim Smith, Joan Youmans. Deacon: Mary Lou Ryan If you are in need of prayer or a visit, feel free to an elder or deacon as well as Pastor Jeff. If you, or someone you know, have a material the Benevolence Fund can help.

Get Connected: Receive the weekly email that includes prayer requests, reminders and odds and ends. Sign up through the website:

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Some Resources: FYE (for your edification) – this is a good resource for families wrestling with kids using smartphones (or anyone who has a smartphone).

Also: “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?, Jean Twenge. The Atlantic, September 2017. This article is provocative and, if even partially true, shows how the new  generation is changing faster and more significantly then ever.


As you enter a new season (Fall, school, new TV season, whatever), it’s a good time for a check-in on how you are configuring your life to nurture your soul. A few books of note on Spiritual Formation that might help keep going:

Renovation of the Heart, Dallas Willard. A great appeal to our need to be formed by Christ with a sketch of what it looks like. He’s a thinker but accessible and practical.

Practices of Love, Kyle David Bennett. Just published (I haven’t read it all). It’s a needed addition to why and how we undertake spiritual practices: to love our neighbor! If you are feeling stuck and overwhelmed with what to do- this might offer good leverage to personal renewal.

August News & Announcements

ReFrame Course: Join us Sunday mornings 9:30-10:45 am for what is means to follow Christ today. Learn and watch more at 10 episodes continuing until Sept 3rd. You don’t need to attend all of the sessions, but you will want to! Schedule of episode topics is posted in the fellowship hall.

Summer Lunch Program The Joshua Project has been coordinating a free lunch program at the Middleburgh High School again this summer.  Volunteers from MRC will prepare and serve lunches August 14-18.  You are welcome to join our “crew” that has already committed to give their time in this service to our community.  Join the team for a day or two, or the whole week!  Lunch preparations begin around 10:45.  Lunches are served from noon until 1:00.  Clean-up follows. This is a FUN way to love our neighbors.  If you can slap together a bologna sandwich with a smile, you are qualified for this job!

Trash & Treasure Sale: Saturday, August 19. Donate items for our biennial sale, leaving them in the small classroom no sooner then August 10th. NO Clothing, computers and TV’s. More details to follow.

Operation Christmas Child If our 2017 shoebox campaign were a horse race, we would be approaching the home stretch!  THANK YOU to everyone who has purchased school supplies or pledged to do so.  If you would like to purchase some of these critical items for our packing party, please see the pledge sheet in the foyer.  Other gifts that will be needed are combs, bars of soap, washcloths, small stuffed animals, and items for the “one more gift” table.  You may leave your contributions in the OCC box located in the foyer.  THANK  YOU!

Thursday Bible Study : 3:30-4:30 p.m. at Ms. Lynes’ house

Get Connected Weekly (not weakly!): Receive the weekly email that includes prayer requests, reminders and odds and ends. Sign up through the website:

Worship Committee Meeting: August 24th, 7 p.m.

Consistory Meeting: August 29th, 7 p.m.

July 2017 News & Announcements

 ReFrame Course: Join us Sunday mornings 9:30-10:45 am for what is means to follow Christ today. Learn and watch more at There are 10 episodes; July 2nd- Sept 3rd. You don’t need to attend all of the sessions, but you will want to! Schedule of episode topics is posted in the fellowship hall and here.

Sunday Evening Worship, Sunday July 16th, 7 pm. Join us for songs and Scripture in the fellowship hall (informal setting).

Billy Brown Camp Fund is available to send kids to a summer camp. Forms are available on the foyer table and at our website.

Projects! We have projects. We invite your ideas and conversation in designing/ repairing/constructing the front sign on the street and shelving in the large classroom. The Property Committee wants to talk about it: Tuesday, August 1st, 6:30  pm.  But you can also help construct when the time comes without coming to the meeting.

Trash & Treasure Sale: Saturday, August 19. Donate items for our biennial sale, leaving them in the small classroom no sooner then August 10th. Clothing, computers and TV’s cannot be donated. More details to follow.

Operation Christmas Child As you are reading this, the last of the more than 11 million shoeboxes packed in 2016 are being distributed in various parts of the world.  Did you know that some shoeboxes have even been delivered to the children of scientists based in Antarctica?  A shoebox gift has the potential of making a huge impact on a child’s life no matter which continent is its destination!  Each shoebox is delivered with a message that tells the recipient that he or she is loved beyond measure.

Including school supplies in our shoeboxes does more than encourage children to do well in school.  In many countries, when a child’s parents cannot afford to provide pencils and paper, he or she is not allowed to attend classes.  The few basic supplies we pack in our boxes may make it possible for a child to attend school!  The summer months are the BEST time for us to purchase school supplies for our packing party.  Please see the pledge sheet in the foyer to indicate your support.  THANK YOU!

Pray that the shoebox gifts already delivered and those that will be packed in 2017 will serve as keys to open the doors to God’s kingdom!

Consistory: Elders: Susan Pendergast, Kim Smith, Joan Youmans. Deacon: Mary Lou Ryan

If you are in need of prayer or a visit, feel free to an elder or deacon as well as Pastor Jeff. If you, or someone you know, have a material need we may be able to help through our Benevolence Fund.

Worship Together
July 2nd: Genesis 1:1-3, Creation & Creator; Celebrating the Lord’s Supper.  Special music: Sienna Kelley, clarinet

July 9th: Special music offering: Susan Pendergast, singing.

July 16th: Genesis 1:26-31, Creation – Made in the Image, Special music: Madison Yung, singing.

July 23rd: Community Worship- High School Lawn, 11 am. (Bring a chair or a blanket to sit on)

July 30th: Genesis 1:27-31, Creation Work & Rest

ReFrame Course

Join us for 10 weeks Sunday mornings, beginning July 2nd, for a time of exploring the Christian story and how it relates to our life- our whole life. 9:30-10:45 am.

Check out the trailer here:

The format will be: watch a 40 min video presentation and 30 minutes of converation together.  An electronic participants guide is available. Print copies can be purchased.

Episode Schedule

July 2: The Reframing Story

July 9th: Cultural Stories

July 16th: Creation & Fall

July 23rd: Israel’s Story

July 30th: Jesus the King

August 6th: New Heaven and New Earth

August 13th: The Church & The Spirit

August 20th: Strangers & Exiles

August 27th: Ambassadors

September 3rd: Joyful Living


You don’t need to attend all of the sessions, but you will want to!


June News & Annoucements

June 11th Gathering 11 am- 2 pm
Timothy Murphy Park (pavillon)

Join us  for a gathering of worship and fellowship We’ll eat, play and remember God’s goodness to us this past year- including marking the end of the Sunday School year and giving thanks for the Ridder Team.

(there will be no Christian Education nor worship at our building)


June 18th- Baccalaureate Service (a service to give thanks to God and blessing for graduating seniors from MCS) at the Middleburgh Methodist Church, 7 pm.  The churches are providing napkin desserts for after the service. If you would like to help out, indicate such and deliver to church by Sunday at 4 pm or to the Methodist church by 6 pm.

Tiger  Tales Activity Summer Day Camp @ SUNY Cobleskill: Deveral Watson has space to take a few kids over to the program, which is July 24-28. Find out more about the program here:

To arrange rides with Deveral, contact her at: 827-4312

Community Day Camp in Schoharie- forms went home with MCS students, and perhaps other districts. If you are planning on going and have space to provide rides- sign up in the foyer so we can begin to connect others who need rides.

Billy Brown Camp Fund is available to send kids to a summer camp. To apply, forms are available on the foyer table and online at our website.

Need fire wood? The silver maple that is down on the edge of the parking lot is half rotten is available to anyone who would like to take any or all of it away.

Prayer Walking in Middleburgh

Who:  People who are seeking to join God in mission in Middleburgh
What:  A group of friends who walk together and pray for the people who reside in the community.
Where:  Middleburgh
When:  Our first walk was on April 21.
Dates and times for subsequent walks are determined by the group.
Walking dates and times will be announced during Sunday morning announcements.
Why:  To stir our hearts to see people, places, and needs through God’s eyes and to seek insight into God’s kingdom plans and purposes for our community
How:  With the help of the Holy Spirit

Operation Christmas Child
Our OCC goal for 2017 is to pack 300 shoeboxes!  Through the month of June we are collecting hygiene items.  A box is located in the foyer for your contribution of toothbrushes, soap, washcloths, and combs.  THANK YOU!  Other gifts that will be needed for our packing party include pencils, pencil sharpeners, crayons, and small stuffed animals.  Look for bargains while you are shopping!  Mary Lou will be happy to store the gifts you purchase.  ReminderDue to customs regulations we may no longer include toothpaste in our shoeboxes.  

Please continue to support the work of OCC through prayer.

  • for children, their families, and communities to be transformed by the love of Jesus
  • for the safety and health of those who distribute shoeboxes and disciple children
  • for shoebox packers –  that they will grow as disciples through their service to children in need

Spring Cleaning? Please save items to donate to the MRC Trash and Treasure sale on Saturday, August 19. Clothing, computers and TV’s cannot be donated.  Because our building is used by several groups and us, please do not bring your donations to church until August 10.  More details to follow.

Cabinets? The Property Committee would like to talk about installing cabinets or storage in classroom #1. If you are interested in being a part of exploring options, contact Leslie Hooper.

Bible Study Thursday: 3:30-4:30 p.m. at Marian Lynes’ house

Consistory Meeting: June 29th, 7 pm.


As the body of Christ the mission of Middleburgh Reformed Church is to demonstrate the transformative message of Jesus. 

Our vision is to grow as disciples through prayer, worship education and service.

FaithWalking 101 Retreat 

The Faithwalking 101 Retreat, May 6-7, is a weekend retreat that focuses on the work of personal transformation that leads to missional living. This intense and impactful time introduces you to the foundational values and skills of living as a disciple of Jesus at all times and in all places of your everyday life.

“Faithwalking provided me with a powerful and effective way to walk with God and experience his life changing power at work within me. Bringing emotional healing into my heart, equipping me to better serve him and to live a life in mission to others; and to know the power of an authentic life in Christ.”

 -David Nieboer

This retreat will take place at Quality Inn and Suite, Schoharie. May 6-7, beginning at 9 am on Saturday and concluding at 5 pm Sunday. The cost is $225 and includes lodging, meals, and materials. Cost should not deter participation.

For more information contact  Sherri Meyer-Veen ( or Greg Town ( See next post for registration info.

Holy Week

April 13th: Maundy Thursday service, 7 pm. Good Friday, community stations of the cross walk, beginning at Reformed church and walking to Methodist church, stopping for the stations, 12 pm.

Easter dawn service, 6 am on the hill on Rapp Road. (directions on the  table in the foyer) Brunch to follow hosted by the Huntersland Methodist Church.

MRC worship at 11 am. No Christian Education on Easter Sunday.

New Member Orientation If you are interested in knowing more about becoming a member, join us for a 3 session orientation to learn what it means to be a member of the church. Saturdays, April 29, May 6, May 13, 9-10 am. If you have any questions or plan to attend see Pastor Jeff know.

Church Yardwork

Sometime before the grass is ready to mow, the winter debris ( sticks and stones) need to be removed from our church lawns.  While anyone can do this any time they have available, we have set Saturday, April 8, as a tentative date for a group work day.  Task list will be posted in the foyer.

Spring Cleaning? Please save items to donate to the MRC Trash and Treasure sale on Saturday, August 19. Clothing, computers and TV’s cannot be donated.  Because our building is used by several groups and us, please do not bring your donations to church until August 10.  More details to follow.

Operation Christmas Child

The shoeboxes we packed last fall are being used by church leaders in Mexico, Dominican Republic, Peru, Mali, and Ghana to introduce children to the love of Jesus.  We can only imagine the children’s glee as they discover the gifts contained in their shoeboxes.  We know that many of the items we pack such as bars of soap and pencils will be consumed in time.  However, many children will participate in The Greatest Journey, the course which follows shoebox distributions.  TGJ students’ lives are transformed as they learn to trust Jesus as Savior, about the power of God’s Word, and how to share the Gospel with family and friends.

Our OCC goal for 2017 is to pack 300 shoeboxes!  Through the month of June we are

collecting hygiene items.  A box is located in the foyer for your contribution of toothbrushes, soap, washcloths, and combs.  THANK YOU!  Other gifts that will be needed for our packing party include pencils, pencil sharpeners, crayons, and small stuffed animals.  Look for bargains while you are shopping!  Mary Lou will be happy to store the gifts you purchase.

ReminderDue to customs regulations we may no longer include toothpaste in our shoeboxes.  

Please continue to support the work of OCC through prayer.

  • for children, their families, and communities to be transformed by the love of Jesus
  • for the safety and health of those who distribute shoeboxes and disciple children
  • for shoebox packers –  that they will grow as disciples through their service to children in need

Bible Study Thursday: 3:30-4:30 p.m. at Marian Lynes’ house


If you are in need of prayer or a visit, feel free to an elder or deacon as well as Pastor Jeff. If you, or someone you know, have a material need we may be able to help through our Benevolence Fund.