June 9th: celebrating the end of the Youth Christian Education and ministry year during worship
June 30th: Church (inside) picnic: June 30th. 11 a.m. worship in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch following with hotdogs and hamburgers provided, bring a dish to share.
No reservation required- but please let us know you are coming on the blue sheet in the foyer for an estimate on the meat and set up. Thanks!
Middleburgh Central School Baccalaureate Service June 23rd, 7 pm.We are hosting.
Consistory Meeting,June 13th, 7 p.m.
Fellowship CommitteeMeeting:June 10, 6 p.m. in the church library
Harvest Bazaar Crafters: June 17, 6 p.m. in the church library
Summer Coffee Hour: after June 16th through August coffee and juice will be served in the foyer before and after worship.
Mission-Planning Team
Red Cross blood drive, Thank you for making this a success! We exceeded our goal!
Ronald McDonald Housein Albany help, Saturday, June 15th. 10 am-12 pm, up to 15 people total between baking and cleaning/odd jobs. All bakers must be at least 16 years old. Sign-up sheet is in the foyer. Leaving from church at 8:45 a.m.
Mission TripAugust 21st– 25thto Barnet, Vermont.
We will be staying at the Green Mountain Retreat Center (about a 4 hour drive) and helping in different areas, for all abilities. $25/ per person includes room and food, registration due July 21st. All ages welcome. Contact Tracie Anteman with questions.
Trash & Treasure Sale
Spring cleaning? Time to De-clutter?
Please remember to save items for our church Trash & Treasure sale on August 17.
Please do not bring your items to church until August. Sorry: no clothing, TV’s, Computers, and the like. Questions? contact Leslie Hooper
Operation Christmas Child
We will continue to collect hygiene items during June. Items to purchase are: toothbrushes (multipacks desired), bars of soap, and combs. We already have enough washcloths for our goal of 304 filled shoeboxes!
As summer vacation approaches for our students, we know that school supplies will soon be going on sale! Beginning on June 9, pledge sheets will be in the foyer for you to indicate what you will purchase for our fall packing party.
Please save the date of September 21 for our second Harvest Bazaar. The event will be held to raise funds to ship some of our shoeboxes. There will be many ways for you to participate in the bazaar. New this year will be scarecrows to direct our guests. Please consider making one! After the bazaar, we plan to group the scarecrows on the church lawn as our entry in Rotary’s Scarecrow Contest!
Thank you for supporting OCC with your time, resources, and prayers!
A Shoebox Story from Guyana
A young girl went home from school one day with a list of items needed for her to remain in a sewing class. The list included such things as a tape measure, pins, needles, thread, and scissors. The items were to be taken to class on the following Monday. With a broken heart, the girl’s mother told her daughter that there was no money to buy the needed items for her sewing class. On Friday, the girl attended a special program at a church where she heard about her Heavenly Father’s immeasurable love. She also received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox. Upon opening her gift, the girl discovered all of the items on the list for her sewing class!
God uses the shoeboxes we pack with ordinary items in mighty ways! The girl in this story received what she needed for her sewing class. She would be able to learn skills which might help her care for her family one day or lead to a career involving sewing. The shoebox also touched the heart of the girl’s mother who saw the hand of God at work in her child’s life.
How blessed we are to be able to join God in mission to the world’s hurting children through Operation Christmas Child!