Mother-Daughter-Sister-Friend Tea- Saturday, May 11 beginning at noon
Operation Christmas Child
The stockpile of gifts for our 2019 packing party is growing! Thank you to everyone who has been shopping and/or making gifts. The suggested gifts to purchase in May are hygiene items: multipacks of toothbrushes, bars of soap, and combs. We already have enough washcloths for the children.
Save the date of September 21 for our Harvest Bazaar. Money raised at that event will be used for the $9 donation requested for each shoebox. That donation pays for discipleship booklets for shoebox recipients, training and materials for those who host shoebox distributions, and shipping.
The Harvest Bazaar crafters meet monthly to work on items to sell at the bazaar. Beginning in May, they will meet on the third Monday beginning at 6 p.m. in the church library. As well as a productive time, our time together has been a sweet time of fellowship. Grab a project and join us!
Perhaps you enjoy sewing, knitting, or crafting on your own and are not able to meet with the Harvest Bazaar crafters. We welcome your contributions to the bazaar also! Please consider making something that we may offer for sale at the bazaar.
Gentlemen, are your shirts ready for the rag bag? The Harvest Bazaar crafters can use them! We need striped, checked, and plaid shirts for one of our projects. Shirts may be left in the OCC donation box. Thanks!
shoebox recipients
those who host shoebox distributions and disciple children
the work of the NY Greater Capital District Area Team of OCC
Fellowship Committee
The fellowship committee thanks you for supporting the April NET dinner, community Easter breakfast, and coffee hours. If you would like to take a turn at hosting a coffee hour, but you aren’t sure about how to do it, ask a veteran coffee hour host to partner with you! Thank you!
Sunday Help: there are spaces available to help in the nursery, reading Scripture, ushering and coffee hour. See Pastor Jeff to help with nursery or ushering and get a five-minute tour.
Signup in the foyer to read Scripture and coffee hour.
Worship Committee Meeting: Tuesday, May 7that the Youmans house.
Mission-Planning Team
Red Cross blood drive, Thursday, May 16th, 2 pm- 7 pm. As this is our first time hosting an event for the Red Cross, we are looking for 45 appointments and 35 actual donors. We need helping setting up tables and chairs, registration table, and snack table help.
Ronald McDonald Housein Albany help, Saturday, June 15th. 10 am-12 pm, up to 15 people total between baking and cleaning/odd jobs. All bakers must be at least 16 years old. Sign-up sheet is in the foyer.
Mission TripAugust 21st– 25thto Barnet, Vermont.
We will be staying at the Green Mountain Retreat Center (about a 4 hour drive) and helping in different areas, for all abilities. $25/ per person includes room and food. All ages welcome.
Contact Tracie Anteman with questions.
Trash & Treasure Sale
Spring cleaning? Time to De-clutter?
Please remember to save items for our church Trash & Treasure sale on August 17.
Please do not bring your items to church until August. Sorry: no clothing, TV’s, Computers, and the like. Questions? contact Leslie Hooper
Personal Hygiene ItemsThank you for offering hygiene items for students & families in the Middleburgh District. We will continue to maintain the supply for the schools, so look out for particular needs at the items are used up. So far we have given the school: 27 sticks of deodorant, 22 bottles of shampoo and conditioner, 26 bars of soap, 15 cans of shaving cream, 22 tubes of toothpaste, 24 toothbrushes, along with feminine hygiene stuff, tissues, toilet paper, razors, hair-ties brushes and combs and socks and underwear.