March News & Announcements

Financial Peace University Course – March start date! (3/3 or 3/10)

FPU is a 9-week course on personal financial management by Dave Ramsey. You’ll learn how to budget, save for emergencies, pay off debt and save for the future. For more information see:

We would like to meet on Sundays beginning this month, but we need to hear from those interested in what works best. Ron Barnes has offered to facilitate again. Please let Pastor Jeff or Ron Barnes know. $129.99 for first time, free for repeats. Scholarships are available- we don’t want anyone not to participate because of the cost.  

Fellowship Committee

  • Our committee welcomes new members with new ideas! Our next meeting will be on Monday, March 11 beginning at 6:30 p.m.  We meet at the church in the library.  Please join us!
  • One of the events the committee is planning is a Mother-Daughter-Sister-Friend Tea.  The tea is being catered by Nancy Williams’ son, Jeff. It will be held on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend, May 11, beginning at noon.  In order to know how much food will be needed and how many tables to prepare, the committee is asking you to make reservations for you and your guest(s) by April 14.  A sign-up sheet will be in the foyer.  Attendees are encouraged to wear their “Sunday finery” including hats. There will be no charge to attend the tea.  We hope there will be a large turn-out for this event which will celebrate our relationships with the special women and girls in our lives!
  • Another event in the works is the Harvest Bazaar.  The bazaar is held to benefit Operation Christmas Child.  Some new vendors will be participating this year as well as returning vendors.  The date is September 21.  You may help us prepare by attending our crafting bees which will be held on March 23 and April 27 beginning at 9:00 a.m.  in the fellowship hall.  See Marian Bouck, Karen Miller, or Allison Coons for more information.

Operation Christmas Child

            Many shoeboxes that were packed in 2018 have already been delivered to children in many nations, but many more are still on their way to the hands of children. They will be transported by ship, plane, camel, dugout canoe, bicycle, and several more ways.  Our continued prayers are needed to cover these precious gifts and those who are delivering them.  We pray also for the follow-up classes, The Greatest Journey, which will guide and nurture the children as they learn about Jesus.

            The suggested gift to purchase this month for our packing party is small baby dolls.

Men’s BreakfastMen eating breakfast together, pretty simple, very delicious, Saturday March 9th7:30 a.m. in the hall.

Sunday Help: there are spaces available to help in the nursery, reading Scripture, ushering and coffee hour. See Pastor Jeff to help with nursery or ushering. Signup in the foyer to read Scripture and coffee hour.  

Trash & Treasure Sale

Spring cleaning?  Time to De-clutter?

Please remember to save items for our church Trash & Treasure sale on August 17.

Please do not bring your items to church until August.  Sorry: no clothing, TV’s, Computers, and the like.  Questions? contact Leslie Hooper

Personal Hygiene Items

We are starting a new effort of supplying the Middleburgh Schools with personal hygiene items for students and their families. A shopping list of things we’d like to provide is in the foyer for you to take. Items will be delivered to the school nurses and counselors for any student who needs them. Providing these basic things 1) helps practically their very limited budget 2) shares in a tangible way that these students and families are valued and support is available. 

Suggested Hygiene Items

  • Bars of soap
  • Shampoo & Conditioner 
  • Toilet paper (individually wrapped)
  • Deodorant/ Antiperspirant – for girls and boys
  • Washcloths
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrushes
  • Face wash
  • Shaving cream- for men and women 
  • Nail clippers
  • Dental floss 
  • Tampons and feminine pads
  • Hair brushes
  • Hair ties

Leadership Team Meeting,March 28th, 7 pm. Any committee chairs or anyone who organizes ministry in our church is invited to come. Please forward written updates to Pastor Jeff by 3/21 to be distributed in advance of the meeting.  

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