We all need help finding conversation partners and ideas along the way- here are some of ours. (This list is in the process of being populated, so it’s far from complete)
Theology (know God, know oneself).
Basic Christianity, John Stott
Knowing God, J.I. Packer
Home Grown– great practical advice in nurturing faith in our kids.
www.waituntil8th.org – this is a good resource for families wrestling with kids using smartphones (or anyone who has a smartphone).
Also: “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?,” Jean Twenge. The Atlantic, September 2017. This article is provocative and, if even partially true, shows how the new generation is changing faster and more significantly then previous ones.
Spiritual Formation
As you enter a new season (Fall, school, new TV season, whatever), it’s a good time for a check-in on how you are configuring your life to nurture your soul. A few books of note on Spiritual Formation that might help keep going:
Renovation of the Heart, Dallas Willard. A great appeal to our need to be formed by Christ with a sketch of what it looks like. He’s a thinker but accessible and practical.
Practices of Love, Kyle David Bennett. It’s a welcome addition to why and how we undertake spiritual practices: to love our neighbor! If you are feeling stuck and overwhelmed with what to do- this might offer good leverage to personal renewal.
When Helping Hurts, Corbett , Fikkert. This articulates and reconciles why we feel uneasy just giving people stuff in an effort to help them out of whatever it is. It challenges us to move from handouts to walking with people to empower them to greater stability. It also helps bridge the divide between benevolence and discipleship.