Aside Archives

FaithWalking 101 Retreat 

The Faithwalking 101 Retreat, May 6-7, is a weekend retreat that focuses on the work of personal transformation that leads to missional living. This intense and impactful time introduces you to the foundational values and skills of living as a disciple of Jesus at all times and in all places of your everyday life.

“Faithwalking provided me with a powerful and effective way to walk with God and experience his life changing power at work within me. Bringing emotional healing into my heart, equipping me to better serve him and to live a life in mission to others; and to know the power of an authentic life in Christ.”

 -David Nieboer

This retreat will take place at Quality Inn and Suite, Schoharie. May 6-7, beginning at 9 am on Saturday and concluding at 5 pm Sunday. The cost is $225 and includes lodging, meals, and materials. Cost should not deter participation.

For more information contact  Sherri Meyer-Veen ( or Greg Town ( See next post for registration info.

Holy Week

April 13th: Maundy Thursday service, 7 pm. Good Friday, community stations of the cross walk, beginning at Reformed church and walking to Methodist church, stopping for the stations, 12 pm.

Easter dawn service, 6 am on the hill on Rapp Road. (directions on the  table in the foyer) Brunch to follow hosted by the Huntersland Methodist Church.

MRC worship at 11 am. No Christian Education on Easter Sunday.

New Member Orientation If you are interested in knowing more about becoming a member, join us for a 3 session orientation to learn what it means to be a member of the church. Saturdays, April 29, May 6, May 13, 9-10 am. If you have any questions or plan to attend see Pastor Jeff know.

Church Yardwork

Sometime before the grass is ready to mow, the winter debris ( sticks and stones) need to be removed from our church lawns.  While anyone can do this any time they have available, we have set Saturday, April 8, as a tentative date for a group work day.  Task list will be posted in the foyer.

Spring Cleaning? Please save items to donate to the MRC Trash and Treasure sale on Saturday, August 19. Clothing, computers and TV’s cannot be donated.  Because our building is used by several groups and us, please do not bring your donations to church until August 10.  More details to follow.

Operation Christmas Child

The shoeboxes we packed last fall are being used by church leaders in Mexico, Dominican Republic, Peru, Mali, and Ghana to introduce children to the love of Jesus.  We can only imagine the children’s glee as they discover the gifts contained in their shoeboxes.  We know that many of the items we pack such as bars of soap and pencils will be consumed in time.  However, many children will participate in The Greatest Journey, the course which follows shoebox distributions.  TGJ students’ lives are transformed as they learn to trust Jesus as Savior, about the power of God’s Word, and how to share the Gospel with family and friends.

Our OCC goal for 2017 is to pack 300 shoeboxes!  Through the month of June we are

collecting hygiene items.  A box is located in the foyer for your contribution of toothbrushes, soap, washcloths, and combs.  THANK YOU!  Other gifts that will be needed for our packing party include pencils, pencil sharpeners, crayons, and small stuffed animals.  Look for bargains while you are shopping!  Mary Lou will be happy to store the gifts you purchase.

ReminderDue to customs regulations we may no longer include toothpaste in our shoeboxes.  

Please continue to support the work of OCC through prayer.

  • for children, their families, and communities to be transformed by the love of Jesus
  • for the safety and health of those who distribute shoeboxes and disciple children
  • for shoebox packers –  that they will grow as disciples through their service to children in need

Bible Study Thursday: 3:30-4:30 p.m. at Marian Lynes’ house


If you are in need of prayer or a visit, feel free to an elder or deacon as well as Pastor Jeff. If you, or someone you know, have a material need we may be able to help through our Benevolence Fund.