Weekly Update & Prayer List- The weekly news bulletin is operational. It includes To sign up go to the front page of the website add your email. Don’t worry If you don’t do email. The Sunday bulletin and monthly News & Announcement sheets contains the same information.
Youth Group: Sundays @ 6 to the 7:30 pm. food. games. and a conversation about faith .
Nursery: Children are encouraged to stay in the service -even if they are restless. There are activity bags in the back to help. If a small child or infant has had enough, the nursery is available. It is staffed after the 2nd hymn.
Nursery helpers needed- If you would like to help attend the nursery, sign up in the foyer. The story and activity will be set up for you- all you have to do is read and help the kids!
February Neighbors Eating Together (NET) Dinners
3rd: Reformed Church
10th: Our Lady of the Valley
17th: Middleburgh Untied Methodist Church
24th: Community Pot Luck @ Reformed Church
Bible Study Thursday: 3:30-4:30 p.m. at Marian Lynes’ house, studying the book of 1 Peter. See Pastor Jeff for a study guide.
Operation Christmas Child
Thank you to everyone who saved or purchased Christmas cards for our 2016 shoeboxes. We will be able to bless each of our shoebox recipients with a beautiful picture to hang in his/her home to remind the whole family of God’s love!
We have received word that our 2015 shoeboxes have been sent to Ghana for distribution to children there. Please keep these children and their families in your prayers. Pray also that the more than 11 million shoeboxes collected will make their way through customs without problems in the many countries of distribution. Pray for all who are responsible for the transportation and distribution of the gifts. Pray for God’s purposes for each shoebox to be fulfilled.
The suggested gift to purchase in February is small stuffed animals. A good time to shop for a bargain will be the day after Valentine’s Day!
Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. Hebrews 13:16
Food Pantry
If your New Year’s resolution is to spend more time serving others, please consider taking a role as a food pantry volunteer. There are openings for full-time and substitute volunteers. See Russ Ryan for more information.
Your donation of non-perishable food is always welcome. Especially needed this month are canned vegetables. THANK YOU for supporting the food pantry ministry.
Camp Fowler- Registration for Camp Fowler is open! the Table has the summer schedule- or find it online: www.campfowler.org.
Billy Brown scholarship fund is available for our campers. Application forms are also on the table in the foyer.
a note from Pastor Jeff: Thank you for the Christmas gift. I am grateful and humbled by your thought and generosity. I am also honored to be called your pastor and our entire family feels privileged for your care and being a part of your family. thank you. , P.Jeff