Christian Education for 2 classes: grades 4-6 & 7-12 has started Sunday mornings, 10:15-11 a.m. see Maria Funiciello or Jonathan Meredith with questions.
Food Pantry: Open Saturday 9-11 am and by appointment. (518) 827-7121. If you would like to volunteer for a shift, contact Russ Ryan
To sign up for the weekly emails that include prayer requests along with some announcements, the front page of the website has a signup form.
Modified Coffee Hour is back! before and after Sunday worship. (You can also sign up to help)
“War on Weeds”—a special opportunity for all
Goal—To Beautify our church property by eliminating the weeds in the stone apron around the base of our buildings ( using no poisonous herbicides). It would be great to get started before Memorial Day as the weeds are loving this warm weather and will grow like crazy over the next few weeks.
Benefits of participation in this program
- Good safe outdoor exercise
- Great stress/tension reliever
- Flexible schedule—whenever you can
Back to the Future
As we anticipate a return to pre-pandemic church activities and building use, the cleaning requirements of our building are being reviewed. For Kellie to have time to focus on our fellowship hall, meeting rooms, kitchen, nursery, and bathrooms, we want to revive the practice of other members of our church family cleaning the sanctuary. We are seeking volunteers to sign up for a month. Guidelines provided and participation greatly appreciated.
Middleburgh Central School Baccalaureate Service: June 13th, 7 p.m. at the Middleburgh United Methodist Church
News from Operation Christmas Child
Sarita’s Story
Sarita is a 6-year-old who lives in Ecuador. She received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox and was enrolled in The Greatest Journey, the discipleship course which is offered to shoebox recipients. Sarita has a speech impediment for which speech therapy was prescribed. However, when her parents contracted Covid 19, Sarita and her parents became isolated from their community, making it impossible for her to attend school or receive the needed therapy.
Sarita’s classmates in The Greatest Journey classes were moved to action. THEY PRAYED FOR SARITA AND HER PARENTS! Their prayers were heard, and Sarita’s parents recovered. Additionally, Sarita’s diction has improved as a result of speaking with her TGJ friends!
God has great plans for the shoeboxes we pack for children like Sarita and her friends. Imagine the impact that having her parents’ health restored and improved speech will have on Sarita’s life. Imagine also the faith and trust in God that is growing in the children who turned to the Great Healer when their friend was in need. To God be the glory!
Giving with Gratitude
$55 was collected in May to go toward the $9 donation requested for each shoebox to be used for shipping and ministry costs. Thank you for GIVING WITH GRATITUDE! If you would like to join the effort, empty medicine bottles are available in the foyer and the back of the sanctuary. A container for your contribution is found near the offering plate in the sanctuary.
Harvest Bazaar
Save the date of September 18, 2021 for the Harvest Bazaar to benefit Operation Christmas Child. A planning meeting for the event will be held on Tuesday, June 15 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the church library. Newcomers are welcome to bring fresh ideas and service!
Work Bees
Our May work bee was productive and also and wonderful time of fellowship! We will meet again on Monday, June 7 beginning at 10 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Please bring scissors and a one-hole punch if you have one.
Making jumpropes from old t-shirts is one of our projects. There is a box in the foyer where you may leave your clean used t-shirts.
A future project in which we hope some of our youth will participate is to tie-dye some new shirts. We will need MANY rubber bands for this. There is a container on the table in the foyer where you may leave your donation of rubber bands.
Purchasing Gifts
Please see the pledge sheets in the foyer for the gifts still needed for our 2021 packing parties.
Thank you for supporting Operation Christmas Child
with your prayers, resources, and talents!