Christian Education
Adult Education: continues to meet Sunday mornings, 10 a.m. We are currently exploring Matthew 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount.
Youth Education: 10-10:45 am.
No Youth Education December 1st (Thanksgiving Weekend).
Worship, Sundays 11 a.m.
Series on the Lord’s Prayer:
- 11/3 Give Us! Our Daily Bread
- 11/10 Forgive Us!
- 11/17: Deliver Us!
- 11/24: Reign of Christ Sunday
Thanksgiving Basket Collection: Joshua Project is organizing non-perishable items to distribute. We are collecting: instant potatoes, cranberry sauce, applesauce, gravy, vegetables, stuffing, can yams. See Kathy Jenkins or Allison Coons for more information. items due 11/18.
Ham Supper, 11/9. We still need help. Help! We need pies, ham bakers, setup and cleanup, parking lot, dining hall, and maybe more. see John Funiciello.
Updated Directories are available on The Table. Forward corrections and additions to Pastor Jeff. Some corrections are already available on labels.
Community Thanksgiving Eve Service, hour and place forthcoming.
Operation Christmas Child
It’s that time of year again when we can all help a child get some wonderful gifts and most of all to learn about the love of Jesus. One box or 10 it will change a child’s life and yours too. If anyone is in need of a box or two please see Allison Coons, I have plenty to share.
Drop off week is November 18th through 25th. Hours are as follows:
- Monday 18th: 10 am to Noon
- Tuesday 19th: 2 – 4 pm
- Wednesday 20th: 4 – 6 pm
- Thursday 21st: 6 – 8 pm
- Friday 22nd: 2 – 4 pm
- Saturday 23rd: 10 – Noon
- Sunday 24th: Noon – 2 pm
- Monday 25th: 9 – 11 am
Join churches in the US for Dedication Sunday on Nov. 17. We too will be celebrating and praying that God will use the boxes for this glory.
- Signup to provide refreshments for the Collection Center that we host! See signup in the foyer.
Thank You, Allison (Drop Off Leader)
Sign up for the weekly connection email. Announcement reminders plus weekly prayer requests and occasionally other things of interest. You can sign up through the website:
Congregational Meeting December 8th. All are invited to come to share lunch and hear about our life together. After worship, childcare provided.