Week of October 30th
Sunday: Christian Education for students PreK-12th grade;
Worship, 11 am. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13, Essentials: Love,
Operation Christmas Child Packing Party & lunch. Everyone is welcome to help and eat!
Monday: Happy Reformation Day! Celebrate by knocking on doors, just like Martin Luther. Tuesday: All Saints Day
Pastor Jeff (and the Ridder Team) will be away for a Ridder retreat Thursday (Friday)-Saturday.
Week of November 6th
Sunday: Daylight savings time ends. Christian Education for students PreK-12th grade, 9:30 am; Worship, 11 am. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14, Essentials: Worshiping Together, Celebrating the Lord’s Supper
Thursday: Bible Study, 3:30-4:30 pm., Consistory Meeting, 7 pm.
Saturday: Ham Supper
Week of November 13th
Sunday: No Christian Education
Worship, 11 am. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:1-4, Essentials: Sharing Life Together
Week of November 20th
Sunday: Christian Education for student PreK-12th, 9:30 am;
Worship, 11 am. Christ the King Sunday.
Wednesday: Community Thanksgiving Eve Service at Our Lady of the Valley Roman Catholic church, 7 pm.
Thursday: Thanksgiving
Week of November 27th
Sunday: Christian Education for student PreK-12th, 9:30 am;
Worship: First Sunday in Advent, Hosea 3
Annual Congregational Meeting & Lunch: January 8th
Get connected
Church directory– Do you have a church directory? Is your information up to date? Do you need to be added? To make a change fill out a form and return them to the basket in the foyer by 11/27. The 2017 edition will be available 12/4.
News and Announcements- How do you like your information? The paper version for a tactile experience, weekly email updates (sign up at the website), and the website holds it all.
Thanksgiving Baskets for the Community
The Joshua Project is putting together 100 thanksgiving baskets for folks who might need them. The turkeys are being provided for. The churches in the community are being asked to provide the non-perishable items to complete the meal: canned green beans, corn, carrot, cranberry sauce, olives?, box stuffing mix, instant potatoes, canned sweet potatoes, sweet bread mix, turkey gravy. Items will be collected until Sunday, November 6th.
Vision Statement Process– help us craft this statement.
At the Middleburgh Reformed Church our mission is to live as a saved people.
Our vision for the next 3-5 years is that we will grow as disciples by increasing our focus on Gospel-centered prayer, worship, education, and service.
Now, it’s time for all of us to begin thinking about this draft and sharing our thoughts. We want to know what you think. Is it clear? Is it compelling to you? Do you share in this vision? As we move through this process, there will be further work done on these statements. They are not finalized. Details will be added about HOW we are going to live into this vision. Your suggestions and input are incredibly valuable and vital to this process.
Your feedback on the draft can be shared in a number of ways:
– Write your thoughts down. A box will be provided in the foyer for your comments. There is also a worksheet available.
– Talk about it in a group setting, a conversation over coffee will be held on Saturday, December 3rd at 9:00 am.
– Speak personally to a member of the group, who are willing and eager to listen.
(The group is Joel and Sarah Bramer, Mary Lou Ryan, Jonathan Meredith, and Pastor Jeff)
We look forward to hearing from you and we are excited to see where God leads us all in this endeavor.