Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Alexander Tarasov serves on the Operation Christmas Child National Leadership Team in Ukraine. His was an unusual childhood in that his parents had remained strong in their Christian faith during the years of Soviet domination. I was privileged to hear Alexander speak at the 2012 Connect Conference for OCC. His message was one of urgency as he spoke about the 8,000,000 children in his country today. Each of those children will be reached by some sort of ideology, but only those who hear the gospel message will have the hope of salvation. Alexander calls those who send shoe boxes to the children their “spiritual parents.” He says these spiritual parents equip pastors, Sunday school teachers, and youth leaders with a tool to “continue the work that starts in the heart of God.”
As we approach Holy Week and Easter, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being spiritual parents to the children of the world who are waiting to hear about Jesus. Your photographs, letters, and gifts tell the children that you care about them. Your generosity opens the door for them to hear about the God who loves us all. Your prayers for the children and for those who distribute gifts and lead the discipleship classes provide spiritual support for the ministry. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do in service to our Lord through Operation Christmas Child.
May you and yours have a blessed Holy Week and Easter!
In His service,
Mary Lou
Relay Center Coordinator/Church Relations Team Member