How are you?
Our typical routines have been disrupted everywhere. It is a good time to think how you are – and how you want to- tend to your soul. In this season consider how you need to be pay attention to God, yourself, and others- Up, In & Out. We are carefully considering out how our life together as a church can support, empower and encourage one another, so we’ll be trying new things. This includes Sunday worship time and space, format and function, ways of serving the broader community, and time together. You are invited to help, participate and figure this out with us. Share what you need, ideas you want to try and needs you see. You’ll find a few things beginning here and more coming in the next couple weeks.
Mugs & Muffins Bible Study, Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 for six-week session reading Ephesians or Philippians together, beginning 9/16 on the patio off the Fellowship Hall.
Youth Education: Plans are being developed to help families, including options of in-person and resources to use at home.
Consistory Meeting, September 10th, 7 p.m.
(financial update available- just ask!)
Operation Christmas Child
Countries all over the world have been impacted by COVD-19 in a variety of ways. For a time, Operation Christmas Child shoebox distributions were interrupted by the pandemic. Where it is safe to do so, they have been resumed by dedicated ministry partners. It is critical during this difficult time to spread the Good News of Jesus. Children and their families need to know that there is Hope!
In keeping with health guidelines, our shoebox packing will be conducted a little differently this year. Instead of our usual big packing party, we are having a series of smaller ones. The first was held on Sept. 2 with masks, social distancing, and a limited number of participants. We hope that everyone who wants to participate will have an opportunity to do so. The next packing party will be on Saturday, Sept. 19 beginning at 10 a.m. Please see Mary Lou to reserve your spot.
THANK YOU to everyone who has generously donated funds or purchased gifts to meet our goal of filling 305 shoeboxes in 2020. THANKS also to those who are filling medicine bottles with their loose change to go toward the shipping donation for the shoeboxes. May God bless you for blessing others!
Prayer is the foundation of Operation Christmas Child. Some concerns for you to lift up include:
- packing parties
- collection week (Nov. 16-23)
- processing
- children who will receive our gifts
- volunteers who will distribute shoeboxes