All posts by admin

November News & Announcements


Christian Education 

Adult Education: continues to meet Sunday mornings, 10 a.m. We are currently exploring Matthew 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount. 

Youth Education: 10-10:45 am

No Youth Education December 1st (Thanksgiving Weekend).

Worship, Sundays 11 a.m. 

  Series on the Lord’s Prayer: 

  • 11/3 Give Us! Our Daily Bread
  • 11/10 Forgive Us! 
  • 11/17: Deliver Us!
  • 11/24: Reign of Christ Sunday

Thanksgiving Basket Collection: Joshua Project is organizing non-perishable items to distribute. We are collecting: instant potatoes, cranberry sauce, applesauce, gravy, vegetables, stuffing, can yams. See Kathy Jenkins or Allison Coons for more information. items due 11/18.

Ham Supper, 11/9. We still need help. Help! We need pies, ham bakers, setup and cleanup, parking lot, dining hall, and maybe more. see John Funiciello.  

Updated Directories are available on The Table. Forward corrections and additions to Pastor Jeff. Some corrections are already available on labels.  

Community Thanksgiving Eve Service, hour and place forthcoming. 

Operation Christmas Child

It’s that time of year again when we can all help a child get some wonderful gifts and most of all to learn about the love of Jesus.  One box or 10 it will change a child’s life and yours too.  If anyone is in need of a box or two please see Allison Coons, I have plenty to share.

Drop off week is November 18th through 25th.  Hours are as follows:

  • Monday 18th: 10 am to Noon
  • Tuesday 19th: 2 – 4 pm
  • Wednesday 20th: 4 – 6 pm
  • Thursday 21st: 6 – 8 pm
  • Friday 22nd: 2 – 4 pm
  • Saturday 23rd: 10 – Noon
  • Sunday 24th: Noon – 2 pm
  • Monday 25th: 9 – 11 am 

Join churches in the US for Dedication Sunday on Nov. 17. We too will be celebrating and praying that God will use the boxes for this glory. 

  • Signup to provide refreshments for the Collection Center that we host! See signup in the foyer. 

Thank You, Allison (Drop Off Leader)

Sign up for the weekly connection email. Announcement reminders plus weekly prayer requests and occasionally other things of interest. You can sign up through the website:

Congregational Meeting December 8th.  All are invited to come to share lunch and hear about our life together. After worship, childcare provided. 

September News & Announcements

Youth Education begins September 15th All youth, PreK thru High School are invited join us Sunday mornings, 10-10:45 a.m. The schedule for the year is available and on the webpage. 

Lunch & Vroman’s Nose Hike, September 15th Join us after worship for a light lunch and a Sunday constitutional up the Nose. (lunch is not limited to the walkers) Sandwiches fixings provided. RSVP on the sheet in the foyer and we invite people to provide other things like vegetables or chips. 

Nursery: We value being hospitable. An important part of welcoming one another is providing a space for children to be during worship. And we need help staffing the nursery, especially if you don’t have children. The more we share the Sundays, the easier it is. The master scheduler is in Google Sheets, or check the paper copy in the foyer and let Pastor Jeff know a Sunday you can help. There will be an information session/ tour for volunteers on September 22ndafter worship.   

RCA Futures Conversation: Join Pastor Jeff to talk about possible outcomes the of the present discussions in the RCA. We’ll also possible ways that we are called as a church. The recent 1-pagers are a helpful introduction to the whole thing, but not necessary to read or understand. Saturday September 28th, 10 a.m., Fellowship Hall. 

Adult Education continues to meeting Sunday mornings, 10 a.m. We are currently exploring Matthew 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount. 

Update your details in the directory: September 22nddeadline. Let Pastor Jeff know or use the directory on the foyer table and scratch out the old and include the new. New directory will be available October 6th. New feature!: Include your contact preference and whether you text the cell phone.  

Sign up for the weekly news & announcement email. It’s much the same as you find here, plus weekly prayer requests and occasionally other things of interest. You can sign up through the website:

Meetings & Planning 

Mission Trip Debriefwith Scones, September 8th after worship

Consistory Meeting, 9/12, 7 p.m.

Ham Supper Planning Meeting- First planning meeting for this year. 

If you organized an area last year, please come! We have a new chairperson and we need all hands-on deck to get this project off the ground. September 17th, 6:30 pm

Nursery help brief– 9/22, for 10 minutes after worship in the nursery. 

Operation Christmas Child
Getting Ready for Our 2019 Packing Party

          In a few short weeks, it will be time for our annual OCC packing party!  If you have not yet delivered the school supplies you pledged to purchase, please do so by next Sunday.  Pledge sheets for the remainder of needed gifts may be found in the foyer.

Harvest Bazaar  Plans are well underway for our event to raise funds to be used toward shipping this year’s shoeboxes. Your support is crucial to the success of our event.  Please consider participating in one or more of the following:

  • Help to stock the Harvest Café.  (Please see Ellie Spencer about what is needed.)
    • Fill a basket for the basket raffle.  (Please see Karen Miller for details.)
    • Say, “YES!” when a team leader asks you to serve.
    • LIKE and SHARE the Harvest Bazaar page on Facebook.  
    • INVITE others to attend the event.
    • Build a scarecrow to decorate the bazaar.  (See Maria Funiciello for more information.)  After the bazaar the scarecrows will be displayed on the church lawn with a special message for the community!
    • On September 9thbeginning at 7 p.m. there will be a meeting to price items made by the Harvest Bazaar crafters.  If you have been making items for the bazaar on your own and would like help to price them, please plan to attend.
    • Enjoy the Harvest Bazaar with your family and friends on September 21st!

A Rare Opportunity The area OCC team will host a collection season kick-off event at Grace Fellowship Church (20 Delatour Rd., Watervliet) on September 14 beginning at 9 a.m.  This will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the project and connect with others who support it.  A highlight of the morning will be a talk by a young man who received a shoebox as a child.  You are invited to attend to hear how a simple gift impacted his life.  Since 1993, more than 168 million children have been blessed with an OCC shoebox.  You have the opportunity to meet one of those precious children!

July N&A Sheet

Summer Coffee Hour: through August coffee and juice will be served in the foyer before and after worship. 

Mission-Planning Team 

Mission TripAugust 21st– 25thto Barnet, Vermont.

We will be staying at the Green Mountain Retreat Center (about a 4 hour drive) and helping in different areas, for all abilities.  $25/ per person includes room and food, registration due July 21st.All ages welcome.  Contact Tracie Anteman with questions. 

Trash & Treasure Sale: August 17th

Spring cleaning?  Time to De-clutter? Please remember to save items for our church Trash & Treasure sale on August 17. Please do not bring your items to church until August.  Sorry: no clothing, TV’s, Computers, and the like. Questions? contact Leslie Hooper

PrayerBoard: Connect with others this Summer on the prayer board posted in the foyer. You are invited to share prayer requests, bulletins from churches you may visit when you are away, and then check out how you can pray for others. 

Summer Band Ice Cream Social, Our turn: July 26th

A longstanding summer tradition in Middleburgh is the Friday evening summer band concert with ice cream social.  Our turn to host the ice cream social is July 26.  

There will be many ways for you to participate:  

  • transporting tables to the high school lawn
  • setting up, serving
  • cleaning up
  • and of course providing delectable homemade baked goods!  

Stay tuned for more details as the date approaches.

Operation Christmas Child

You may recall that some of the shoeboxes we packed last fall were destined for distribution in Ukraine. They have arrived!  Children in that country once clouded by the darkness of communism have been blessed by our gifts and by hearing about Jesus!  We are privileged to be a part of training up a new generation of believers.  Please continue to pray for the children and those who will disciple them.

                  Our students are enjoying their first days of summer vacation and may not want to think about back-to-school shopping right now. However, school supplies will soon be on sale in the stores!  When we provide a few basic supplies in our shoeboxes, it sometimes means that the children who receive them may be allowed to attend classes!!  Please use the sheets in the foyer to make a pledge to provide school supplies for children in need.

                  Since our first Harvest Bazaar ended, we have been making plans for the second.  Please mark your calendar for Sept. 21 and plan to spend the day with your church family to raise funds to ship our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to children around the world.  There will be a planning meeting on July 9 at 7 p.m. in the church library for the bazaar. The Harvest Bazaar crafters will meet again on July 15 at 6 p.m. in the same location.  Newcomers are always welcome!

Summer Sundays

Adult Christian Educationwill continue through the summer, which is exploring the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. 10 a.m. 

July 21st: Bodes visit.Come here missionaries Josh and Erica Bode and family are finding Oman, their work there and how we can support them.

July 28th:Community Worship on the Lawn, 11 a.m. High School lawn. We’ll worship with the other congregations in town, Kim and Reggie Harris are leading the music. Bring a lawn chair your comfort. (we will not be meeting at our building) 

June News & Announcements


   June 9thcelebrating the end of the Youth Christian Education and ministry year during worship

   June 30th: Church (inside) picnic: June 30th. 11 a.m. worship in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch following with hotdogs and hamburgers provided, bring a dish to share. 

No reservation required- but please let us know you are coming on the blue sheet in the foyer for an estimate on the meat and set up. Thanks!

      Middleburgh Central School Baccalaureate Service June 23rd, 7 pm.We are hosting. 

Consistory Meeting,June 13th, 7 p.m.

Fellowship CommitteeMeeting:June 10, 6 p.m. in the church library

Harvest Bazaar Crafters:  June 17, 6 p.m. in the church library

Summer Coffee Hour: after June 16th through August coffee and juice will be served in the foyer before and after worship. 

Mission-Planning Team

Red Cross blood drive, Thank you for making this a success! We exceeded our goal!  

Ronald McDonald Housein Albany help, Saturday, June 15th. 10 am-12 pm, up to 15 people total between baking and cleaning/odd jobs.  All bakers must be at least 16 years old.  Sign-up sheet is in the foyer.  Leaving from church at 8:45 a.m.  

Mission TripAugust 21st– 25thto Barnet, Vermont.

We will be staying at the Green Mountain Retreat Center (about a 4 hour drive) and helping in different areas, for all abilities.  $25/ per person includes room and food, registration due July 21st. All ages welcome.  Contact Tracie Anteman with questions. 

Trash & Treasure Sale

Spring cleaning?  Time to De-clutter?

Please remember to save items for our church Trash & Treasure sale on August 17.

Please do not bring your items to church until August.  Sorry: no clothing, TV’s, Computers, and the like.  Questions? contact Leslie Hooper

Operation Christmas Child

We will continue to collect hygiene items during June.  Items to purchase are:  toothbrushes (multipacks desired), bars of soap, and combs.  We already have enough washcloths for our goal of 304 filled shoeboxes!

As summer vacation approaches for our students, we know that school supplies will soon be going on sale!  Beginning on June 9, pledge sheets will be in the foyer for you to indicate what you will purchase for our fall packing party.     

Please save the date of September 21 for our second Harvest Bazaar.  The event will be held to raise funds to ship some of our shoeboxes.  There will be many ways for you to participate in the bazaar. New this year will be scarecrows to direct our guests.  Please consider making one!  After the bazaar, we plan to group the scarecrows on the church lawn as our entry in Rotary’s Scarecrow Contest!

Thank you for supporting OCC with your time, resources, and prayers!

A Shoebox Story from Guyana

           A young girl went home from school one day with a list of items needed for her to remain in a sewing class.  The list included such things as a tape measure, pins, needles, thread, and scissors. The items were to be taken to class on the following Monday.  With a broken heart, the girl’s mother told her daughter that there was no money to buy the needed items for her sewing class.  On Friday, the girl attended a special program at a church where she heard about her Heavenly Father’s immeasurable love.  She also received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox.  Upon opening her gift, the girl discovered all of the items on the list for her sewing class!

          God uses the shoeboxes we pack with ordinary items in mighty ways!  The girl in this story received what she needed for her sewing class.  She would be able to learn skills which might help her care for her family one day or lead to a career involving sewing.  The shoebox also touched the heart of the girl’s mother who saw the hand of God at work in her child’s life.

How blessed we are to be able to join God in mission to the world’s hurting children through Operation Christmas Child!

May News & Announcements

Mother-Daughter-Sister-Friend Tea- Saturday, May 11 beginning at noon

Operation Christmas Child

                  The stockpile of gifts for our 2019 packing party is growing!  Thank you to everyone who has been shopping and/or making gifts.  The suggested gifts to purchase in May are hygiene items:  multipacks of toothbrushes, bars of soap, and combs.  We already have enough washcloths for the children.

            Save the date of September 21 for our Harvest Bazaar.  Money raised at that event will be used for the $9 donation requested for each shoebox.  That donation pays for discipleship booklets for shoebox recipients, training and materials for those who host shoebox distributions, and shipping.

            The Harvest Bazaar crafters meet monthly to work on items to sell at the bazaar.  Beginning in May, they will meet on the third Monday beginning at 6 p.m. in the church library.  As well as a productive time, our time together has been a sweet time of fellowship. Grab a project and join us!

            Perhaps you enjoy sewing, knitting, or crafting on your own and are not able to meet with the Harvest Bazaar crafters.  We welcome your contributions to the bazaar also! Please consider making something that we may offer for sale at the bazaar.

            Gentlemen, are your shirts ready for the rag bag? The Harvest Bazaar crafters can use them!  We need striped, checked, and plaid shirts for one of our projects. Shirts may be left in the OCC donation box.  Thanks!


shoebox recipients
those who host shoebox distributions and disciple children
the work of the NY Greater Capital District Area Team of OCC

Fellowship Committee

The fellowship committee thanks you for supporting the April NET dinner, community Easter breakfast, and coffee hours.  If you would like to take a turn at hosting a coffee hour, but you aren’t sure about how to do it, ask a veteran coffee hour host to partner with you!  Thank you!

Sunday Help: there are spaces available to help in the nursery, reading Scripture, ushering and coffee hour. See Pastor Jeff to help with nursery or ushering and get a five-minute tour. 

Signup in the foyer to read Scripture and coffee hour.  

Worship Committee Meeting: Tuesday, May 7that the Youmans house.

Mission-Planning Team

Red Cross blood drive, Thursday, May 16th, 2 pm- 7 pm.  As this is our first time hosting an event for the Red Cross, we are looking for 45 appointments and 35 actual donors.  We need helping setting up tables and chairs, registration table, and snack table help. 

Ronald McDonald Housein Albany help, Saturday, June 15th. 10 am-12 pm, up to 15 people total between baking and cleaning/odd jobs.  All bakers must be at least 16 years old.  Sign-up sheet is in the foyer.  

Mission TripAugust 21st– 25thto Barnet, Vermont.

  We will be staying at the Green Mountain Retreat Center (about a 4 hour drive) and helping in different areas, for all abilities.  $25/ per person includes room and food. All ages welcome. 

Contact Tracie Anteman with questions. 

Trash & Treasure Sale

Spring cleaning?  Time to De-clutter?

Please remember to save items for our church Trash & Treasure sale on August 17.

Please do not bring your items to church until August.  Sorry: no clothing, TV’s, Computers, and the like.  Questions? contact Leslie Hooper

Personal Hygiene ItemsThank you for offering hygiene items for students & families in the Middleburgh District. We will continue to maintain the supply for the schools, so look out for particular needs at the items are used up. So far we have given the school: 27 sticks of deodorant, 22 bottles of shampoo and conditioner, 26 bars of soap, 15 cans of shaving cream, 22 tubes of toothpaste, 24 toothbrushes, along with feminine hygiene stuff, tissues, toilet paper, razors, hair-ties brushes and combs and socks and underwear.  

April News & Announcements

Spring Work Days: join us for getting the church yard ready for mowing season and building cleaned up after the winter. 

  • Move branches and sticks from lawn
  • Rake stones off lawn
  • Wash windows and door entrances

 Group work days are set for April 6 and 13, 9 a.m.- 12 p.m., or come anytime. 

Men’s BreakfastMen eating breakfast together, Saturday April 6th,  7:30 a.m. in the hall.

Consistory Meeting- April 11th, 7 p.m.

Mother-Daughter-Sister-Friend Tea

            The fellowship committee cordially invites all women and girls of the church and the special ladies in their lives to attend a tea on Saturday, May 11 beginning at noon.  The tea is being catered by Nancy Williams’ son, Jeff. In order to know how much food will be needed and how many tables to prepare, the committee is asking you to make reservations for you and your guest(s) by April 14.  A sign-up sheet is in the foyer.  Attendees are encouraged to wear their “Sunday finery” including hats.  There will be no charge to attend the tea.  We hope there will be a large turn-out for this event which will celebrate our relationships with the special women and girls in our lives!

Operation Christmas Child

JOG with Operation Christmas Child!

Enter the Joy oGiving by purchasing gifts to be included in our shoeboxes for 2019. 

Suggested gifts to purchase in April are:

bars of soap, combs, small stuffed animals (Look for after-Easter clearance!)

You are asked to also give your prayers for Operation Christmas Child.  Some new prayer needs include:

the area church relations team that is seeking to engage more churches

the Connect Conference for OCC volunteers that ML will attend May 2-4

                  plans by the area team to be at Troy’s Riverfront Festival in June

                  Thank you for supporting Operation Christmas Child!

Sunday Help: there are spaces available to help in the nursery, reading Scripture, ushering and coffee hour. See Pastor Jeff to help with nursery or ushering. Signup in the foyer to read Scripture and coffee hour.  

Mission-Planning Team

Red Cross blood drive, Thursday, May 16th, 2 pm- 7 pm.  As this is our first time hosting an event for the Red Cross, we are looking for 45 appointments and 35 actual donors.  We need helping setting up tables and chairs, registration table, and snack table help. 

Ronald McDonald Housein Albany help, Saturday, June 15th. 10 am-12 pm, up to 15 people total between baking and cleaning/odd jobs.  All bakers must be at least 16 years old.  Sign-up sheet is in the foyer.  

Mission TripAugust 21st– 25thto Barnet, Vermont.

  We will be staying at the Green Mountain Retreat Center (about a 4 hour drive) and helping in different areas, for all abilities.  $25/ per person includes room and food. All ages welcome. 

Contact Tracie Anteman with questions about the mission opportunities. 

Trash & Treasure Sale

Spring cleaning?  Time to De-clutter?

Please remember to save items for our church Trash & Treasure sale on August 17.

Please do not bring your items to church until August.  Sorry: no clothing, TV’s, Computers, and the like.  Questions? contact Leslie Hooper

Personal Hygiene Items

Thank you for offering hygiene items for students & families in the Middleburgh District. We will continue to maintain the supply for the schools, so look out for particular needs at the items are used up. 

March News & Announcements

Financial Peace University Course – March start date! (3/3 or 3/10)

FPU is a 9-week course on personal financial management by Dave Ramsey. You’ll learn how to budget, save for emergencies, pay off debt and save for the future. For more information see:

We would like to meet on Sundays beginning this month, but we need to hear from those interested in what works best. Ron Barnes has offered to facilitate again. Please let Pastor Jeff or Ron Barnes know. $129.99 for first time, free for repeats. Scholarships are available- we don’t want anyone not to participate because of the cost.  

Fellowship Committee

  • Our committee welcomes new members with new ideas! Our next meeting will be on Monday, March 11 beginning at 6:30 p.m.  We meet at the church in the library.  Please join us!
  • One of the events the committee is planning is a Mother-Daughter-Sister-Friend Tea.  The tea is being catered by Nancy Williams’ son, Jeff. It will be held on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend, May 11, beginning at noon.  In order to know how much food will be needed and how many tables to prepare, the committee is asking you to make reservations for you and your guest(s) by April 14.  A sign-up sheet will be in the foyer.  Attendees are encouraged to wear their “Sunday finery” including hats. There will be no charge to attend the tea.  We hope there will be a large turn-out for this event which will celebrate our relationships with the special women and girls in our lives!
  • Another event in the works is the Harvest Bazaar.  The bazaar is held to benefit Operation Christmas Child.  Some new vendors will be participating this year as well as returning vendors.  The date is September 21.  You may help us prepare by attending our crafting bees which will be held on March 23 and April 27 beginning at 9:00 a.m.  in the fellowship hall.  See Marian Bouck, Karen Miller, or Allison Coons for more information.

Operation Christmas Child

            Many shoeboxes that were packed in 2018 have already been delivered to children in many nations, but many more are still on their way to the hands of children. They will be transported by ship, plane, camel, dugout canoe, bicycle, and several more ways.  Our continued prayers are needed to cover these precious gifts and those who are delivering them.  We pray also for the follow-up classes, The Greatest Journey, which will guide and nurture the children as they learn about Jesus.

            The suggested gift to purchase this month for our packing party is small baby dolls.

Men’s BreakfastMen eating breakfast together, pretty simple, very delicious, Saturday March 9th7:30 a.m. in the hall.

Sunday Help: there are spaces available to help in the nursery, reading Scripture, ushering and coffee hour. See Pastor Jeff to help with nursery or ushering. Signup in the foyer to read Scripture and coffee hour.  

Trash & Treasure Sale

Spring cleaning?  Time to De-clutter?

Please remember to save items for our church Trash & Treasure sale on August 17.

Please do not bring your items to church until August.  Sorry: no clothing, TV’s, Computers, and the like.  Questions? contact Leslie Hooper

Personal Hygiene Items

We are starting a new effort of supplying the Middleburgh Schools with personal hygiene items for students and their families. A shopping list of things we’d like to provide is in the foyer for you to take. Items will be delivered to the school nurses and counselors for any student who needs them. Providing these basic things 1) helps practically their very limited budget 2) shares in a tangible way that these students and families are valued and support is available. 

Suggested Hygiene Items

  • Bars of soap
  • Shampoo & Conditioner 
  • Toilet paper (individually wrapped)
  • Deodorant/ Antiperspirant – for girls and boys
  • Washcloths
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrushes
  • Face wash
  • Shaving cream- for men and women 
  • Nail clippers
  • Dental floss 
  • Tampons and feminine pads
  • Hair brushes
  • Hair ties

Leadership Team Meeting,March 28th, 7 pm. Any committee chairs or anyone who organizes ministry in our church is invited to come. Please forward written updates to Pastor Jeff by 3/21 to be distributed in advance of the meeting.  

february news & announcments

Financial Information 

2018 Summary

We were blessed to finish 2018 being able to do the ministry that we wanted to do this year and without dipping into our reserves or investments. We received $147,294- across all the accounts. 90% came in through plate receipts (and general donations).  The expenses were $128,000. A full financial report is available- ask Pastor Jeff. For 2019, the general fund budget is about $125,000 (does not include things like Food Pantry or other accounts). 

Giving Envelopes

what are they for? They are more than a way to keep your giving a secret- they are a way to register your giving for a charitable giving statement for tax purposes at the end of the year. This is how it works: each set of envelopes has a number that is assigned to a giver. That number is connected to your name by our Financial Secretary, Lewis Youmans. When used, the envelope number and amount is recorded and passed on to Lewis. At the end of the year, you’ll receive a statement.  Using the envelopes is not necessary, but if you you’d like to use them, pick up a box without a name and let Lewis Youmans know who you are: name, address, and envelope box number.  We accept cash and checks. Bitcoin currently not accepted. 


2/17: No youth Christian Education 

Adult Christian Education, 10 a.m. studying the Beatitudes in Matthew- now until March 24th

March 6th– Ash Wednesday, (beginning of Lent)

Financial Peace University Course 

FPU is a 9-week course on personal financial management by Dave Ramsey. You’ll learn how to budget, save for emergencies, pay off debt and save for the future. For more information see:

We would like to meet on Sundays beginning this month, but we need to hear from those interested in what works best. Ron Barnes has offered to facilitate again. Please let Pastor Jeff or Ron Barnes know. $129.99 for first time, free for repeats. Scholarships are available- we don’t want anyone not to participate because of the cost.  


You are invited to consider serving on a committee. For the next three weeks, signups and descriptions will be in the foyer. 


We are opening up the ushering task to anyone who is interested in helping. It is a ministry of hospitality which basic responsibilities include: opening the prepping for worship, welcoming people, handing out bulletins, arranging for the bell to rung, receiving the offering. We don’t actually seat people anymore, but you get the idea.  

A list of specific duties are in the foyer next to the door. An orientation can be held if anyone has not done it before. 

Men’s Breakfast: Men eating breakfast together, pretty simple. 7:30 a.m. in the hall, Saturday February 2nd& March 2nd  

Fellowship Opportunities in February

Feb. 6 (5-6:30) – NET Dinner  

Join with others from the community to enjoy good food and conversation.  This is a great time to catch up with those you know and to meet new friends!  See the sign-up sheet in the foyer if you would like to contribute to the meal or to serve.

Feb. 8 (6-8 p.m.) – Family Game Night 

Put down the remote and load up the car with your kids and your favorite board games!  If you don’t have kids, you are also invited to have a fun night with your church family!  Bring a dessert or snack to share.

Feb. 11 (6:30 – 7:30) – Fellowship Committee Meeting

Come and share your ideas with the committee. We are happy to have new members join us in planning to bring our church family and the community together in fellowship!

Leadership Rejiggering We are adjusting our organization in how planning and decisions are made. Consistory (made up of Elders and Deacons) has traditionally been the body to formally make decisions for ministry. The work has been done for many years with the help of committees. In an effort to broaden and share the work committee chairs, consistory and others will be meet together every other month. In the opposite months, Consistory will meet for a Consistory meeting. Elders will still have oversight of the membership and worship and the Deacons managing the gifts of the church. One way to understand it is that the leadership meetings and work will run parallel to Consistory meetings and work. Outcomes we are hoping for include better communication, more people participating in serving and developing ways to address need both within and outside our church.  

Jan N&A- Page 3

Supplemental News and Announcement-

Financial Information

2018 Summary

We were blessed to finish 2018 being able to do the ministry that we wanted to do this year and not dipping into our reserves or investments. We received $147,294- across all the accounts. 90% of that came in through plate receipts (general donations).  The expenses were $128,000. A full financial report is available, see Pastor Jeff.
For 2019, our budget is about $125,000.

Giving Envelopes: what are they for? More than a way to keep your giving a secret- they are a way to register your giving for a charitable giving statement at the end of the year. 

            This is how it works: Each set of envelopes has a number that is assigned to a giver. That number is connected to your name by our Financial Secretary, Lewis Youmans. When you give, the envelope number and amount is recorded and passed on to Lewis. At the end of the year, you’ll get a statement for the IRS.  Using the envelopes is not required. If you don’t have envelopes assigned to you and you’d like some, pick up a box, note the number and let Lewis Youmans know who you are: name, address, and envelope box number.  

Financial Peace University

            FPU is a 9-week course on personal financial management by Dave Ramsey. You’ll learn how to budget, save for emergencies, pay off debt and save for the future. For more information see:

Ron Barnes has offered to facilitate again. We would like to meet on Sundays. But we need to hear from those interested in what works best for them for time and starting date. Please let Pastor Jeff or Ron Barnes know. $129.99 for first time, free for repeats. Scholarships are available- we don’t want anyone not to do it because of the cost.