Worship Matters
March 14th: Gathered Worship day light savings time starts (spring forward).
Holy Week
Palm Sunday, April 28th
Maundy Thursday Worship (4/1) 7 p.m. Join us for a prayer service and celebrating the Lord’s Supper together on the day that remembers the events of Jesus and disciples in the Upper Room.
Good Friday (no service)
Easter Sunday, 11 a.m. Celebrating the Lord’s Supper.
If you’d like to share flowers to decorate the sanctuary, you may drop them off Saturday morning and drop them off before noon to the small classroom (with piano across from the bathroom). If you’d like your flowers back, mark them with your name.
Note: there is a wedding using the building 4/2-4/3.
Benevolence Fund is available to help with needs. We’ve used it for things ranging from rent to clothes. Contact a deacon or Pastor Jeff for more information.
Food Pantry: Open Saturday 9-11 am and by appointment. (518-827-7121)
To sign up for the weekly emails that include prayer requests along with some announcements, the front page of the website has a signup form.
Building Use is limited while COVID infections are high in the community. No social use and a maximum of three groups/ week.
Consistory Meeting, March 11th
2021 Consistory (and term ending)
Elders: Sarah Bramer (2021) , Jonathan Meredith (2023), Mary Lou Ryan (2024)
Deacons: Allison Coons (2021), Kathy Jenkins (2022), Tracie Anteman (2023), Leslie Hooper (2024)
News from Operation Christmas Child
God is making it possible even in the midst of a global pandemic for the Good News of Jesus to be shared to the ends of the earth! The shoeboxes we packed last fall along with more than 9 million others are being distributed to children in many countries. Photos returning to us from distribution events show the delight on children’s faces as they hear that God loves them and discover the contents of their shoeboxes. Those who accept the invitation to participate in The Greatest Journey course will learn more about God’s Greatest Gift, our Savior. We pray that the children will become bold disciples sharing the love of Jesus with their families and friends!
$13 in change was collected in February to go toward the $9 donation requested for each shoebox to be used for shipping and ministry costs. Thank you for GIVING WITH GRATITUDE! If you would like to join the effort, empty medicine bottles are available in the foyer. A container for your contribution is found near the offering plate in the sanctuary.
You will find an inventory of gifts needed for our 2021 packing party on the table in the foyer. Each month a certain gift will be suggested for you to purchase, but you are welcome to purchase any of the needed items at any time. Your purchases may be left in the OCC box on the table. The suggested gift for your purchase In March is washcloths.
Thank you for the many ways in which you support Operation Christmas Child. In doing so you are joining with others in living out the Greatest Commandments and the Great Commission!