Category Archives: News

August 2022 News & Updates

Hannaford Supermarkets is donating $1 to the Food Pantry of each reusable shopping bag purchased ($2.50) at the Esperance store during the month of August. So if Hannaford is your store and you need a reusable bag, buying one will benefit food pantries in the area, including ours. 

Worship Committee meeting: August 25th

Middleburgh 4th Fridays sponsored by the businesses, August 26th. Mary Lou Ryan will be setting up a table for OCC. 

Summary of Consistory meeting on August 11th: 

  • Accepted the resignations of Jonathan Meredith and Maria Funiciello as Elders. We thank them for their time and service. 
  • Trash & Treasure Sale raised $1273; $1,000 will support purchasing gifts for our OCC packing party and $273 for local mission
  • The building will continue to be locked when no one is here. If you need regular access, key fobs are available.
  • Youth Christian Education is evaluating the needs for this Fall. 
  • Fellowship: Potluck after worship is scheduled for September 25th

July Financial Update
Plate Receipts: $5,205
   Total Income: $7,153
  Expenses: $8,276.87

Sign up for weekly reminders and prayer requests at the website:

*  *    *   *  *     *   *       *

The Benevolence Fund is available to help with material needs. If you have a need or know of a need, contact a Deacon. 

The Middleburgh Ecumenical Food Pantry is open Saturdays 9-11 a.m. and by appointment, 518-827-7121. 

News from Operation Christmas Child

Mwita’s Story

Mwita lives in Tanzania.  After his parents divorced, he was sent first to live with his grandmother and then an aunt. He rebelled against his family’s rules and began living on the street. He became a gang member and thief.  He also beat up other children.  One day he was kidnapped and taken into the forest where he was abandoned.  He began looking for help and found a church where he spent the night.  The next day was a Sunday, and the children were asked to remain after the service for a special program.  Tired from his ordeal and having no place to go, he stayed.  That day Mwita received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox and learned that Jesus wanted to be his friend! “When they talked about the Wonderful Friend I thought about how all my old friends had changed my life in a bad way,” Mwita said.  He wondered if Jesus could change his life in a good way.  Mwita decided to join The Greatest Journey classes to see if that could really be true.  “I learned that there is no better friend than Jesus.  After understanding this, I started changing.” Mwita never really knew his earthly parents, but today he knows he belongs to God’s family.  For the first time in his life, he is experiencing hope and peace.  He says “I want other orphans to find their hope in God.”  Now he leads children at his church, and God has given him a heart for other children like him.

School Supply Pledges

Summer is the best time to purchase school supplies to go in our shoeboxes.  There are pledge sheets in the foyer where you may indicate what you will purchase.  The simple school supplies we send make it possible for some children to attend school!

2022 Harvest Bazaar

Save the date of September 17 to serve with your church family to raise funds for the $10 donation to send our shoeboxes and the Good News to children around the world!  Here are some ways to be involved:

  • Donate “like new” holiday decorations, home décor, or collectibles.
  • Donate a basket of gifts or a gift certificate for the Basket Raffle.
  • Volunteer to be a part of setting up, running the bazaar, or cleaning up.
  • Provide soup or cookie bars for the Harvest Café.

Please see Mary Lou if you have questions or want to volunteer to serve.

Thank you for supporting Operation Christmas Child

with your prayers, resources, and talents!

November News & Announcements

Worship Committee Meeting, 11/4, 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Operation Christmas Child

            Thank you for the many ways in which you have supported Operation Christmas Child this year!  We have all felt the impact of the pandemic.  I hope that participating in our traditional outreach to children in other parts of the world has given you some sense of normalcy.  For the children who receive our gifts during these difficult times, it will be a great reminder that they are loved.

            There are a number of ways in which you may continue to participate in OCC this season.

  • Pack a box on your own.  Bring your filled shoebox to church on Nov. 15 for Dedication Sunday.
  • Contribute toward the cost of shipping and other ministry related expenses for the 305 shoeboxes packed at our packing parties.  You may do this by collecting your spare change in a medicine bottle, by sponsoring a certain number of shoeboxes, or by giving any amount you are able. 
  • Volunteer to serve at our drop-off site during collection week (Nov. 16-23).
  • PRAY for collection and processing to go smoothly, for no problems with shipping and customs, that children’s needs will be met, and that hearts would be open to the Gospel.

If you have questions, need shoeboxes, or want to volunteer, please see me or call 518-827-4093.  Thank you again for blessing children with a tangible representation of God’s love.

                                                                                                Mary Lou

Mugs & Muffins Bible Study, continues Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 for a few more weeks, reading Ephesians together in the Fellowship Hall. 

2021 Budget: The Consistory will be reviewing the budget for next year. The budget is one way of making plans and setting priorities for the coming year. Committees have been asked to submit any requests of the budget, due to Consistory by 11/12. 

Consistory Meeting, November 11/12

Upcoming Sunday Worship 

  • November 1st, All Saints Day, celebrating the Lord’s Supper
  • 11/8, Gathered Worship
  • 11/15, Gathered Worship, including shoebox dedication 
  • 11/22, Christ the King Sunday 
  • 11/29, First Sunday of Advent
  • 12/6, 2nd Sunday of Advent

We’ll continue to livestream worship. The link and the bulletin will be at the website, on the page: At Home Resources. Prayer requests can be forwarded to Pastor Jeff – phone, email or text.

Ham Supper: this year we will not be hosting our annual supper. The major factors for this included: 

  • not being able to seat people in the hall (or- it would take a long time to seat the usual numbers with the given restrictions), 
  • preparing and serving together with the given restrictions 
  • not knowing what November will look like. 

All those things, we would be losing too much about the reasons we do this and the ways it is done. Thanks for your understanding and we’ll consider it again next year. 

The Study Hall at the Fellowship HallThanks to everyone who offered to help. The word is out and we are waiting to see if any students need to make use of it. We’ll keep it out there for another month or so and see how things go. Many different scenarios could play out where this would be helpful to families in the MCS district- so thanks for keeping this in mind.  

Annual Meeting December 6th after worship. 

October News & Announcements

Mugs & Muffins Bible Study, continuing Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 for just over six-weeks reading Ephesians together, on the patio or inside in the Fellowship Hall. 

Youth Education:  Plans are being developed to help families, including options of in-person and resources to use at home.

The Study Hall at the Fellowship HallThanks to everyone who offered to help. The word is out and we are waiting to see if any students need to make use of it. We’ll keep it out there for another month or so and see how things go. Many different scenarios could play out where this would be helpful to families in the MCS district- so thanks for keeping this in mind.  

2021 Budget: The Finance Committee and Consistory will begin working on the budget for next year. While it is a best-guess about our spending, we do use it to set our priorities in a practical way. Committees are being asked to think about what they hope to do in next year, and if it requires money, they can request it to be included in the budget. 

Consistory Meeting, November 11/12

Annual Meeting December 6th after worship. 

Ham Supper: this year we will not be hosting our annual dinner. The major factors for this included: 

  • not being able to seat people in the hall (or- it would take a long time to seat the usual numbers with the given restrictions), 
  • preparing and serving together with the given restrictions 
  • not knowing what November will look like. 

Financial Reportavailable on the print copies

Worship, Life Together & Restrictions 

As we to journey through this time of the pandemic, we continue to adjust how things are done. Sunday worship is our central gathering time as a congregation, so we are trying to accommodate each person who wants to participate. Our seating in the sanctuary is a challenge. We are bumping up against fitting everyone with the prescribed distance. So be mindful of 6’- about a two arm’s length. We will work to seat others in chairs around the space. We are also working out how we can use the foyer and the hall. We’ll continue to stream the service for folks staying at home. The State has plans for rolling restrictions as cases emerge. It does not call for houses of worship to ever be closed, but the number of our gatherings could be curbed. We’ll follow whatever we are asked to do as we value setting a good example and loving our neighbor given that we will still be able to worship, though we may have to get creative how that happens. 

As we try to care for one another in this time, the church has funds available to help with financial stress, along with recommended counseling services, and spiritual nurture. You can check out the website for a start under RESOURCES.  

February News & Announcements

Leadership Meeting, February 13th, 7 p.m. (6:30 Consistory)

Christian Education 10 am Sundays. No Youth Education 2/16 (President’s Day Weekend)

February 9th, Potluck The Fellowship Committee is proposing that we try something new: Second Sunday Pot Luck.  Instead of our usual coffee hour, we will gather for a shared meal. We want everyone to feel welcome to take part in the meal!  It is not necessary for everyone to contribute food.  Your presence will be the most important thing you can share.  Please plan to join your MRC family on February 9 to enjoy good food, generosity, and hospitality!

Check out how ways you can help our church family, coming and goingComing: Take a month to clean the sanctuary, volunteer in the nursery, read Scripture, or host coffee hour, or join a committee. 
Going: Join the Mission Planning Team for conversations about how we are being called to go or look out for coming opportunities. The Food Pantry can also occasionally use volunteers. See Russ Ryan for details.

Sign up for the weekly connection email. Announcement reminders plus weekly prayer requests and occasionally other things of interest. You can sign up through the website:

Operation Christmas Child  
Destination Togo
The shoeboxes we packed last fall will bless children in the African nation of Togo.  This small country in Sub-Saharan Africa gained its independence in 1960.  Togo’s economy depends on subsistence and commercial agriculture.  Half of the nation’s population lives below the international poverty level.  Teacher shortages result in low quality education and high drop-out rates, especially in rural areas.  

Please pray for the children in Togo who are recipients of our gifts.  We know that through Christ all things are possible.  May the Good News of Jesus lead the children, their families, and their friends to a brighter future!

Preparing for Our 2020 Packing Party
        Some of the most cherished gifts children receive in their OCC shoeboxes are letters and photographs.  Bundles of Christmas cards to which you may add a note are located in the foyer.  Chase away cabin fever blues by writing cheerful notes to children! 
            During the month of February, we will be collecting toothbrushes (multipacks appreciated) and small stuffed animals.  You may leave them in the OCC box in the foyer.  Always be on the lookout for a bargain.  Gifts of all kinds are always welcome!
            As we grow the number of shoeboxes, we pack each year, we also need to grow the funds that cover shipping and the training and equipping of those who distribute the gifts.  On September 19, we will be hosting our third Harvest Bazaar to benefit Operation Christmas Child.  Please save the date!  A new fundraising campaign for this year is called Giving with Gratitude.  You will find more information in the foyer.  Thank you for supporting Operation Christmas Child with your prayers all year long.

January 2020 News & Announcements

From the property committee

We Need Help Cleaning the Sanctuary 

     One of the sign-up sheets on the table in the foyer is for volunteers who wish to participate in cleaning the sanctuary for 2020.  After the flood, the property committee decided to ask for volunteers for this space as a way to reduce the expenses for cleaning our buildings. We are paying Tom and Kellie Rogers to take care of the parts of our building that experience extensive use every week.  With enough volunteers, we think we can take care of the sanctuary for worship on Sunday.  Guidelines and supplies are kept in the closet under the stairs.

      In past years, we have also asked for volunteers to clean other parts of our buildings, but at this time we are only asking for sanctuary volunteers. There will be certain times when volunteers will be needed for specific tasks which will be posted as necessary.  Last year, there were two people who cleaned the sanctuary all year.  It would be great to have more people involved to share the work in this very special space.

Consistory Meeting, January 9th, 7 p.m. (new consistory members will begin after their installation on the 19th).

Signups for committee and groups will be available for January 12th  & January 19th. Consider how you would like to help out: 

     Fellowship Committee: (also need a chairperson)

     Education Com: (also need a chairperson)

     Property Com: Leslie Hooper chair.

     Worship Com: Joan Youmans, chairperson

     Mission Planning Team, Tracie Anteman, organizer.  

There are other ways to help out too, including: cleaning the sanctuary for a month (see above), ushering, nursery, coffee hour, and reading Scripture.  

Our new Consistory will be installed on January 19th. Jonathan Meredith will serve as an Elder. Tracie Anteman and Bill Milak will serve as Deacons. We thank Susan Pendergast for her work and care as an Elder these past four years. 

Pastor Jeff will be away January 10 & 11 for a regional gathering to talk about the RCA’s 2020 Vision Team work. 

items of interest from the Leadership Team meeting: 

  • The finance committee and the Deacons plan reevaluate processes and accounts to match our capacity. 
  • Mission Planning Team is hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive January 24th
  • Property Committee is working on restoring Classroom #1, engaged a company to replace the smoke detectors as a course of maintenance. The PC continues to work on keeping the buildings clean and maintained. 
  • There is a desire to send out a newsletter in the coming month. If you have something to contribute, forward it to Pastor Jeff. 

Giving Envelopes are available. 

If you don’t have a box assigned to you, take an unnamed box and let Lewis Youmans know the number. 

How does it work? each set of envelopes has a number that is assigned to a giver. That number is connected to your name by our Financial Secretary, Lewis Youmans. Each Sunday of the year has an envelope. When used the amount is recorded with the number. At the end of the year you’ll receive a financial statement of the total giving. Only Lewis has access to the total amount of giving. 

Using the envelopes is not necessary as there are other ways to remain anonymous (cash) or receiving a statement for tax purposes (checks). But if you find it helpful, please avail yourself of them. Other questions about our process? Ask a Consistory member. 

Glasses for Guatemala

During OCC collection week, one of the donors spoke about a medical mission trip she will take in February.  She is a nurse and will be assisting doctors who will be performing eye surgeries and fitting patients for eyeglasses.  Your old glassed are needed!  Please leave them in the basket in the foyer by January 12.  Thank you!

November News & Announcements


Christian Education 

Adult Education: continues to meet Sunday mornings, 10 a.m. We are currently exploring Matthew 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount. 

Youth Education: 10-10:45 am

No Youth Education December 1st (Thanksgiving Weekend).

Worship, Sundays 11 a.m. 

  Series on the Lord’s Prayer: 

  • 11/3 Give Us! Our Daily Bread
  • 11/10 Forgive Us! 
  • 11/17: Deliver Us!
  • 11/24: Reign of Christ Sunday

Thanksgiving Basket Collection: Joshua Project is organizing non-perishable items to distribute. We are collecting: instant potatoes, cranberry sauce, applesauce, gravy, vegetables, stuffing, can yams. See Kathy Jenkins or Allison Coons for more information. items due 11/18.

Ham Supper, 11/9. We still need help. Help! We need pies, ham bakers, setup and cleanup, parking lot, dining hall, and maybe more. see John Funiciello.  

Updated Directories are available on The Table. Forward corrections and additions to Pastor Jeff. Some corrections are already available on labels.  

Community Thanksgiving Eve Service, hour and place forthcoming. 

Operation Christmas Child

It’s that time of year again when we can all help a child get some wonderful gifts and most of all to learn about the love of Jesus.  One box or 10 it will change a child’s life and yours too.  If anyone is in need of a box or two please see Allison Coons, I have plenty to share.

Drop off week is November 18th through 25th.  Hours are as follows:

  • Monday 18th: 10 am to Noon
  • Tuesday 19th: 2 – 4 pm
  • Wednesday 20th: 4 – 6 pm
  • Thursday 21st: 6 – 8 pm
  • Friday 22nd: 2 – 4 pm
  • Saturday 23rd: 10 – Noon
  • Sunday 24th: Noon – 2 pm
  • Monday 25th: 9 – 11 am 

Join churches in the US for Dedication Sunday on Nov. 17. We too will be celebrating and praying that God will use the boxes for this glory. 

  • Signup to provide refreshments for the Collection Center that we host! See signup in the foyer. 

Thank You, Allison (Drop Off Leader)

Sign up for the weekly connection email. Announcement reminders plus weekly prayer requests and occasionally other things of interest. You can sign up through the website:

Congregational Meeting December 8th.  All are invited to come to share lunch and hear about our life together. After worship, childcare provided. 

July N&A Sheet

Summer Coffee Hour: through August coffee and juice will be served in the foyer before and after worship. 

Mission-Planning Team 

Mission TripAugust 21st– 25thto Barnet, Vermont.

We will be staying at the Green Mountain Retreat Center (about a 4 hour drive) and helping in different areas, for all abilities.  $25/ per person includes room and food, registration due July 21st.All ages welcome.  Contact Tracie Anteman with questions. 

Trash & Treasure Sale: August 17th

Spring cleaning?  Time to De-clutter? Please remember to save items for our church Trash & Treasure sale on August 17. Please do not bring your items to church until August.  Sorry: no clothing, TV’s, Computers, and the like. Questions? contact Leslie Hooper

PrayerBoard: Connect with others this Summer on the prayer board posted in the foyer. You are invited to share prayer requests, bulletins from churches you may visit when you are away, and then check out how you can pray for others. 

Summer Band Ice Cream Social, Our turn: July 26th

A longstanding summer tradition in Middleburgh is the Friday evening summer band concert with ice cream social.  Our turn to host the ice cream social is July 26.  

There will be many ways for you to participate:  

  • transporting tables to the high school lawn
  • setting up, serving
  • cleaning up
  • and of course providing delectable homemade baked goods!  

Stay tuned for more details as the date approaches.

Operation Christmas Child

You may recall that some of the shoeboxes we packed last fall were destined for distribution in Ukraine. They have arrived!  Children in that country once clouded by the darkness of communism have been blessed by our gifts and by hearing about Jesus!  We are privileged to be a part of training up a new generation of believers.  Please continue to pray for the children and those who will disciple them.

                  Our students are enjoying their first days of summer vacation and may not want to think about back-to-school shopping right now. However, school supplies will soon be on sale in the stores!  When we provide a few basic supplies in our shoeboxes, it sometimes means that the children who receive them may be allowed to attend classes!!  Please use the sheets in the foyer to make a pledge to provide school supplies for children in need.

                  Since our first Harvest Bazaar ended, we have been making plans for the second.  Please mark your calendar for Sept. 21 and plan to spend the day with your church family to raise funds to ship our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to children around the world.  There will be a planning meeting on July 9 at 7 p.m. in the church library for the bazaar. The Harvest Bazaar crafters will meet again on July 15 at 6 p.m. in the same location.  Newcomers are always welcome!

Summer Sundays

Adult Christian Educationwill continue through the summer, which is exploring the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. 10 a.m. 

July 21st: Bodes visit.Come here missionaries Josh and Erica Bode and family are finding Oman, their work there and how we can support them.

July 28th:Community Worship on the Lawn, 11 a.m. High School lawn. We’ll worship with the other congregations in town, Kim and Reggie Harris are leading the music. Bring a lawn chair your comfort. (we will not be meeting at our building) 

June News & Announcements


   June 9thcelebrating the end of the Youth Christian Education and ministry year during worship

   June 30th: Church (inside) picnic: June 30th. 11 a.m. worship in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch following with hotdogs and hamburgers provided, bring a dish to share. 

No reservation required- but please let us know you are coming on the blue sheet in the foyer for an estimate on the meat and set up. Thanks!

      Middleburgh Central School Baccalaureate Service June 23rd, 7 pm.We are hosting. 

Consistory Meeting,June 13th, 7 p.m.

Fellowship CommitteeMeeting:June 10, 6 p.m. in the church library

Harvest Bazaar Crafters:  June 17, 6 p.m. in the church library

Summer Coffee Hour: after June 16th through August coffee and juice will be served in the foyer before and after worship. 

Mission-Planning Team

Red Cross blood drive, Thank you for making this a success! We exceeded our goal!  

Ronald McDonald Housein Albany help, Saturday, June 15th. 10 am-12 pm, up to 15 people total between baking and cleaning/odd jobs.  All bakers must be at least 16 years old.  Sign-up sheet is in the foyer.  Leaving from church at 8:45 a.m.  

Mission TripAugust 21st– 25thto Barnet, Vermont.

We will be staying at the Green Mountain Retreat Center (about a 4 hour drive) and helping in different areas, for all abilities.  $25/ per person includes room and food, registration due July 21st. All ages welcome.  Contact Tracie Anteman with questions. 

Trash & Treasure Sale

Spring cleaning?  Time to De-clutter?

Please remember to save items for our church Trash & Treasure sale on August 17.

Please do not bring your items to church until August.  Sorry: no clothing, TV’s, Computers, and the like.  Questions? contact Leslie Hooper

Operation Christmas Child

We will continue to collect hygiene items during June.  Items to purchase are:  toothbrushes (multipacks desired), bars of soap, and combs.  We already have enough washcloths for our goal of 304 filled shoeboxes!

As summer vacation approaches for our students, we know that school supplies will soon be going on sale!  Beginning on June 9, pledge sheets will be in the foyer for you to indicate what you will purchase for our fall packing party.     

Please save the date of September 21 for our second Harvest Bazaar.  The event will be held to raise funds to ship some of our shoeboxes.  There will be many ways for you to participate in the bazaar. New this year will be scarecrows to direct our guests.  Please consider making one!  After the bazaar, we plan to group the scarecrows on the church lawn as our entry in Rotary’s Scarecrow Contest!

Thank you for supporting OCC with your time, resources, and prayers!

A Shoebox Story from Guyana

           A young girl went home from school one day with a list of items needed for her to remain in a sewing class.  The list included such things as a tape measure, pins, needles, thread, and scissors. The items were to be taken to class on the following Monday.  With a broken heart, the girl’s mother told her daughter that there was no money to buy the needed items for her sewing class.  On Friday, the girl attended a special program at a church where she heard about her Heavenly Father’s immeasurable love.  She also received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox.  Upon opening her gift, the girl discovered all of the items on the list for her sewing class!

          God uses the shoeboxes we pack with ordinary items in mighty ways!  The girl in this story received what she needed for her sewing class.  She would be able to learn skills which might help her care for her family one day or lead to a career involving sewing.  The shoebox also touched the heart of the girl’s mother who saw the hand of God at work in her child’s life.

How blessed we are to be able to join God in mission to the world’s hurting children through Operation Christmas Child!

May News & Announcements

Mother-Daughter-Sister-Friend Tea- Saturday, May 11 beginning at noon

Operation Christmas Child

                  The stockpile of gifts for our 2019 packing party is growing!  Thank you to everyone who has been shopping and/or making gifts.  The suggested gifts to purchase in May are hygiene items:  multipacks of toothbrushes, bars of soap, and combs.  We already have enough washcloths for the children.

            Save the date of September 21 for our Harvest Bazaar.  Money raised at that event will be used for the $9 donation requested for each shoebox.  That donation pays for discipleship booklets for shoebox recipients, training and materials for those who host shoebox distributions, and shipping.

            The Harvest Bazaar crafters meet monthly to work on items to sell at the bazaar.  Beginning in May, they will meet on the third Monday beginning at 6 p.m. in the church library.  As well as a productive time, our time together has been a sweet time of fellowship. Grab a project and join us!

            Perhaps you enjoy sewing, knitting, or crafting on your own and are not able to meet with the Harvest Bazaar crafters.  We welcome your contributions to the bazaar also! Please consider making something that we may offer for sale at the bazaar.

            Gentlemen, are your shirts ready for the rag bag? The Harvest Bazaar crafters can use them!  We need striped, checked, and plaid shirts for one of our projects. Shirts may be left in the OCC donation box.  Thanks!


shoebox recipients
those who host shoebox distributions and disciple children
the work of the NY Greater Capital District Area Team of OCC

Fellowship Committee

The fellowship committee thanks you for supporting the April NET dinner, community Easter breakfast, and coffee hours.  If you would like to take a turn at hosting a coffee hour, but you aren’t sure about how to do it, ask a veteran coffee hour host to partner with you!  Thank you!

Sunday Help: there are spaces available to help in the nursery, reading Scripture, ushering and coffee hour. See Pastor Jeff to help with nursery or ushering and get a five-minute tour. 

Signup in the foyer to read Scripture and coffee hour.  

Worship Committee Meeting: Tuesday, May 7that the Youmans house.

Mission-Planning Team

Red Cross blood drive, Thursday, May 16th, 2 pm- 7 pm.  As this is our first time hosting an event for the Red Cross, we are looking for 45 appointments and 35 actual donors.  We need helping setting up tables and chairs, registration table, and snack table help. 

Ronald McDonald Housein Albany help, Saturday, June 15th. 10 am-12 pm, up to 15 people total between baking and cleaning/odd jobs.  All bakers must be at least 16 years old.  Sign-up sheet is in the foyer.  

Mission TripAugust 21st– 25thto Barnet, Vermont.

  We will be staying at the Green Mountain Retreat Center (about a 4 hour drive) and helping in different areas, for all abilities.  $25/ per person includes room and food. All ages welcome. 

Contact Tracie Anteman with questions. 

Trash & Treasure Sale

Spring cleaning?  Time to De-clutter?

Please remember to save items for our church Trash & Treasure sale on August 17.

Please do not bring your items to church until August.  Sorry: no clothing, TV’s, Computers, and the like.  Questions? contact Leslie Hooper

Personal Hygiene ItemsThank you for offering hygiene items for students & families in the Middleburgh District. We will continue to maintain the supply for the schools, so look out for particular needs at the items are used up. So far we have given the school: 27 sticks of deodorant, 22 bottles of shampoo and conditioner, 26 bars of soap, 15 cans of shaving cream, 22 tubes of toothpaste, 24 toothbrushes, along with feminine hygiene stuff, tissues, toilet paper, razors, hair-ties brushes and combs and socks and underwear.  

January 2019 News & Announcements

Happy New Year!

Christian Education
Youth CE continues on Sundays from 10-11 a.m.
Adult Christian Education resumes January 13th, 10 a.m.

Season of Christmas: 12/25-1/5
January 6th: Epiphany, celebrating the Lord’s Supper.
We are also celebrating the sacrament of baptism for Tracie, Craig and Audrey Anteman before worship at 10:45 a.m. We are doing this before 11 a.m. worship because Tracie has some anxiety about standing up in front of people. Anyone is welcome to come for the baptism, though. During the worship service we will welcome them and Ed and Kathy Jenkins into membership.

Consistory Meeting: 1/17, 7 p.m.

We are in process of reconfiguring an aspect of leadership in the church- which includes the committees and the committee chair. The outline of the idea is to have leadership meetings that would include the committee chairs and others who take the lead in various areas. This team would meet every other month with members of Consistory. Opposite those months, Consistory would meet. Look out for a meeting in January so we talk through both the idea and the details together. If you have questions in the meantime, feel free to contact Pastor Jeff.

Game Night- Saturday February 1st, 6-8 pm.

Operation Christmas Child
The shoeboxes we packed last fall have been or will be distributed on two continents! Children in Ukraine and Malawi will be blessed by our gifts and the Gospel message.
One example of how Operation Christmas Child has had an impact on children in Ukraine is the work being done within the Roma community. As well as receiving shoeboxes, many children are participating in The Greatest Journey discipleship program where they are learning to follow Christ – and how to read!
Malawi is a small nation located in Southeast Africa. It has a population of 19.2 million people. 46% of the population is 14 years old or younger. In 2014, a 12-year-old Muslim girl named Angelina received a shoebox. Inside she discovered the school supplies that she and her siblings desperately needed but their parents could not afford to buy. The flashlight Angelina received meant a great deal also as the family did not have electricity in their home. Angelina learned of an even greater Light as she read the booklet she received with her gift. The Greatest Gift encouraged her to start attending church where she began to study the Bible. “I felt sweet in my heart because I was filled with the Word of God!” Angelina’s witness eventually led all ten members of her family to Christ!
Please save your Christmas cards with religious pictures for the shoeboxes we will pack in 2019. You may leave them in the basket in the foyer. THANK YOU!

Save the date of September 21 for our second Harvest Bazaar. Our purpose for hosting the event is to raise funds to ship our OCC shoeboxes and provide discipleship materials and training. Please see Mary Lou if you know a vendor who would like to participate.
We will have a work bee on Jan. 26 to begin making Christmas decorations to sell at our booth. It will begin at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at noon. Come when you can, and leave when you have to! Helpful to bring, but not necessary to attend: straight pins, fabric, ribbon, cutting mat, rotary cutter. It may also be helpful to Google “folded star Christmas ornament” and watch some of the YouTube videos to be inspired!

Fellowship Committee Meeting – Jan. 16 at 6:30 in the Sunday school room opposite the restrooms

We thank Karen Miller for serving as an Elder whose terms has concluded.